Video Feedback

Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with Video Feedback.
  1. G

    What's up?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Howdy strangers! 8-D
  2. G

    39-in-1 multi pcb

    Archived from groups: (More info?) I've been trying to decide between ordering the 39-in-1 multi or the arcadeshop programmable multi. Does anyone know if the control issues with ms pac-man and galaga have been corrected on the latest 39-in-1 multi? Does ms...
  3. G

    WTB Safe*cracker Tokens

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Just picked up a nice domestic SC today but it only has a couple of tokens anybody have some? Thanks Ray
  4. G

    A couple of stupid questions

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Yeah, these are basic, but I can't figure them out. 1) How do you put an item in a chat comment like [this] so that it can be clicked on for a description? 2) Can a stack of multiple items be split? If so, how? Thanks in advance. --...
  5. G

    WTB IJ Apron decals

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Greetings group, I thought treaure-cove had these,...., Anyone know who makes these? Thanks, Robert
  6. G

    Flickering videos with Majestic Chess

    Archived from groups: (More info?) We've been enjoying Majestic Chess for about 1 year. Suddenly one day I found all the text displays (instructions, stories etc) have flickering video displays. At first, I blamed it on the CD being scratch. Order a new one...
  7. G

    Underground WOW servers

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Do you knoiw good Europe Underground WOW servers?
  8. G

    60 Rogues in group play

    Archived from groups: (More info?) I am respeccing my rogue to be more of a team player - especially for the high end instances. One of the things I have been told to get is Improved Sap. What are some of the other talents I should pick up? Bronzebeard PVE: Lehi - 60...
  9. G

    Advice on AK?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Hi all, It's probably a testament to the strength of your advice that in probably the second or third game I started since posting to RGRN, I took my character for the first time beyond Medusa's level - after completely owning the...
  10. G

    to Pete

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Pete, Would like to make one question about the FMU update: i.e. Peter Cech arrived at Chelsea without much knowledge, so at the previous db Cech was just average. IRL we do know now after his great performances last season he is one of...
  11. T

    Identify this G08 Sega Rom pcb

    Archived from groups: (More info?) please identify this G08 Sega Rom pcb. I know which games this is not, but can't seem to find which game this. I have owned every system 80 game, but this one has me stumped. 941-958...
  12. D

    Are fuel prices up in your Country? - Part II

    Archived from groups: (More info?) I told you things were bad over here: Dallas
  13. G

    YAFVP: Oozer the Sludge Elf Transmuter

    Archived from groups: (More info?) First levels was beating confused monsters with bare hands, including Ogre I killedon D:1 on xlvl 2, getting 3 levels instantly! On D:~7 there was a few Jellies, which I had to take out with bow. There I've managed to memorise Blade...
  14. G

    Harpers Ferry Arsenal Update

    Archived from groups: (More info?) [shameless plug] Guys, I just wanted to let any players of Mad Minute Games' Bull Run: Take Command 1861 that after a summer of idleness and inactivity, I finally got off my lazy ass and updated my Harpers Ferry Arsenal...
  15. G

    [Crawl] YAVP, naga conjurer

    Archived from groups: (More info?) It's been a while since the last time, but here is my 7th victory. A naga, which is remarkable for me, because I always thought nagas were hard. On the other hand, it's a conjurer, which is probably the easiest class overall. Fire...
  16. G

    Calling all Junk Yard owners

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Does anyone have a source for the commonly broken curved automotive surround plastic? Also, has anyone installed the white rubbers with red flipper rubber? I hate black rubber, but this looks like a machine that wouldn't look good in...
  17. G

    Tech: Space Jam is now a Smoke Jam

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Howdy group! I'm long winded, bear with me.. I went out on a call to a private home yesterday to look at a Space Jam that "didn't work". The owner had bought it awhile ago from a local seller and tells me it worked for about a week and...
  18. G

    TECH: Black Hole Pop Bumpers

    Archived from groups: (More info?) The two top pop bumpers on the upper playfield are not working. I have modified and rebuilt all the pop bumper boards per Clay's site, I have changed the coils and fuses and still nothing. I know the boards are good as I checked them with the...
  19. G

    Bug report Dungeon Siege 2?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Where can I report bugs for Dungeon Siege 2? I might as well explain it: In the quest for the Dryad Exile colony I have to save the Old Man. When I reach him, he keeps telling to save/help him. He also keeps casting spells on himself...
  20. G

    Kumaki game

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Newbie to group. Kyodai has an option Kumaki - moving blocks to get 3 in a row, which then drop down. This goes on until there are no more options. The trouble is that it uses close to 100% cpu constantly so you cannot use it while...
  21. B

    Commander score-Where do the points come from?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Gday folks I play as commander a fair bit and have been wondering how points are accumulated. Some rounds I get a heap of kills with the arty, issue commands, issue UAV etc but score is very low (maybe 20 not counting 2x...
  22. G

    Microphone Recording Control Automatically Switching in Co..

    Archived from groups: creative.products.sound_blaster.audigy, (More info?) I was having a problem with my new Soundblaster Audigy 2 when I tried to use voice chat in cs:source, it was forcing the recording device to "Wave", automatically switching it from...
  23. G

    Best pinball parts sites in Australia

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Can anyone recommend the best pinball parts sites in Australia? Also which ones in the US which are reliable to post parts to Australia? regards, Mick
  24. G

    Gottlieb Rocky Pinball Collectors

    Archived from groups: (More info?) I just recently closed deal and sold (1)of my Gottlieb Rocky Pins. I knew interest had grown in last few years in this pin, but couldn't believe the amount of interest I got from buyers. I think the show, "The Contender" with Sylvester...
  25. G

    Landing Native pods

    Archived from groups: (More info?) On a turn when you make a new base and try to land a native pod the pod always seems to land on the planet surface and not in the newly formed base. I've tried several different variations and the only thing that I find to work is to...
  26. G


    Archived from groups: (More info?) REQ: PSP X COPY
  27. G

    Real Car Names

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Afternoon all, I couldn't find a precise list of real car names so I've decided to make my own. If anybody has any good ideas on some of the cars' real life counterparts, drop me a line at Cheers, Rob --...
  28. G

    6809 Assembler?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Which assembler do current programmers use? I've tried all the ones in the standard ZIP that's floating around (DASM, ASx), and I couldn't figure out how to get any of them to produce a binary. I got DASM to assemble, but it's outputting...
  29. E

    hurricane !!

    Archived from groups: (More info?) just wanted too send support too those of you who might have been affected by the hurricane this week... hope all of you were safe and sound ! i hope no classic pinball machines were lost in all this destruction!
  30. J

    Tech: EM Gottlieb Pyramid

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Hey guys. Got my first EM this past Sunday. Having fun trying to bring this thing back to life. Seems like I get something new working every day. I had a huge setback tonight. (link to webpage with pictures after explanation of problem)...
  31. J

    info: EM Wall Games

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Anyone know anything about wall games? Im interested in one on ebay and it seems pretty kewl and would make a great trophy addition. Are these games hard to come...
  32. G

    Helo Again

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Helo again everyone , I used to post here regulary about 2 years ago but ukonline dropped the newsstream , pc blowin up & lack of knowledge with technical things ect ect------------ Any how i'm back again , how is everyone, I...
  33. G

    finally completed

    Archived from groups: (More info?) a little personal goal of mine! Third one isn't...
  34. G

    Which is the glitch?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) So, after work the Nanny, Sophie, said "Now I'm done would you like to hang out?" and Lazlo Curious said yes. But then she wouldn't leave. For a week. She stood in one place and slept standing up eventually. She wasn't dying of...
  35. G


    Archived from groups: (More info?) On dungeon level 5, I can't seem to find the way to the right-hand side of the level. That is, I've searched several times on each "border" square (corridors and rooms). I don't have any digging tools, and my path to the Mines (on...
  36. G

    (n)curses problem compiling tty-only nethack on OSX 10.4

    Archived from groups: (More info?) I've been trying to build nethack for myself on my new mac, and it compiles and runs, but I'm having some problems with a lot of garbage appearing on the screen when objects are thrown, or my character tries to run or other rapid...
  37. G

    MP Alpha!

    Archived from groups: (More info?) I have been trying to beat this guy for a month and I cannot! What gives? is there a trick? Please help.
  38. G

    FS: Some Artwork ()

    Archived from groups: (More info?) I have found some stuff I had reproed at one point that may be of interest to you: 1) Reactor CPO / SGO - Mint - $50 + $7 shipping. (only 1 availabe) 2) Donkey Kong Marquee - $30 + $5 shipping. (only 1 available) 3) Q*Bert...
  39. G

    Question about Space Odyssey / Space Mission Rules

    Archived from groups: (More info?) I will be picking up a Space Odyssey soon and just wanted to make sure I understood the rules as I'm a bit confused. Specifically, I'm trying to make sure how the spinning target affects what playfield features are lit and what else causes...
  40. P

    About to start a Cabinet revamp - any advice before i start?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Since the Cab omn my TZ is, to be honest, awful (previously on site someone decided to "remove" some of the decals on the cab, and left me with a few eyes and pyramids missing), so i have decided to completely revamp the cab... both base...