Hello, I have the problem for AMD cards utilization, when I checked PC's manage detect 2 video cards also task manager but Really don't work. https://prnt.sc/spidgp https://prnt.sc/spifg5
Only some applications can take advantage of crossfire. It's primary used for 3D applications. Applications like folding@home and bitcoin mining can also use both cards, they treat each card as a discrete unit, whereas crossfire uses multiple cards as one unit.Hello, I have the problem for AMD cards utilization, when I checked PC's manage detect 2 video cards also task manager but Really don't work. https://prnt.sc/spidgp https://prnt.sc/spifg5
Only some applications can take advantage of crossfire. It's primary used for 3D applications. Applications like folding@home and bitcoin mining can also use both cards, they treat each card as a discrete unit, whereas crossfire uses multiple cards as one unit.Hello, I have the problem for AMD cards utilization, when I checked PC's manage detect 2 video cards also task manager but Really don't work. https://prnt.sc/spidgp https://prnt.sc/spifg5