Question 100% cpu usage and 0% gpu usage whilst running a game, what is happening? Potential bottleneck?


Sep 25, 2018
Whilst running a game my cpu is almost at 100% usage pretty much all the time whilst my gpu is being barely touched by the game itself. this is causing major stuttering and preventing me from enjoying the game to its fullest and im getting sick of it. Darktide is just an example, this problem persists and happens on other games but not to such a degree, its so bad at the moment that its forced me to actually seek some answers because this cannot be ignored any longer. I've done some research for a few hours already, tried a bunch of stuff in the nividia control panel, changed power settings to high preformance and all that jazz, nothing helps.

I'm fearful that this might be a botteneck issue as all things point to it but i just want some opinions from other techies before making that ultimate decision to upgrade a piece of hardware and to see if theres another potential solution that i might be oblivious to.

CPU: Intel i7-9700k 3.60GHz
GPU: Nividia RTX 3060ti

Adding to the above:
There's an unspoken rule about not using more than 80% of available ram or space on storage drives. Many start to slow down around this mark, even though there's capacity available.
The cpu and ram work as a pair. If one cpu core is really busy(one core is all it takes with games) and ram is over 80% as well... the gpu may have lots of moments of waiting around tapping its foot(if it had any).
I did what you guys recommended and the problem still persists. to clarify, Im concerned as to why the game is only using my CPU and not GPU. this is happening continuously, im monitoring the task manager as im playing and it NEVER uses more than 1% of my gpu. could this be a possible botteneck?
seq the task manager to memory to see what else is consuming ram.
what the cpu temp during the game?
malware scan the system?
strange, the task manager only displays that the game is consuming above 4gb of ram everything else uses too little to be of significance and yet it shows that almost the full 16GB of ram is being used, so my next thought was that indeed i may caught a stray virus so i ran malwarebyte and it came back with nothing, pc is clean according to it. temp seems around 40-50 celsius so its within the norm. im just baffled by this.

also ran another game to compare and it seems to be running perfectly fine and looks normal in terms of gpu/cpu usage.
i think im coming to the conclusion that the first game(darktide) is simply unoptimised. what a big suprise! cannot rely on games to work properly from day 1