hello everyone, I'm currently looking to upgrade my home desktop computer. It's currently about 10 years
old but I have previously upgraded some parts.
I've mostly been using Mac Book Pros over the last few years for work so I haven't used this desktop as much which is why it's so old.
I'm looking to update a few parts so I can support Windows 11 and just to improve overall performance. I'm open to upgrading any parts.
Approximate Purchase Date: Now, but no real rush
Budget Range: $1,000 USD, but can go higher if it's worth it (up to ~$3,000*)
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Programming, Surfing the internet, Figma/Photoshop, Video Editing, Some Gaming, 3ds max/maya
Are you buying a monitor: No (but i can for the pixels... ) Currently have 2x - Asus mx279H . 27 inch. 1920x1080px
Location: NYC
My user benchmark: Userbenchmark
The original computer was an Alienware Aurora ~2010-2011
I've mostly been using Mac Book Pros over the last few years for work so I haven't used this desktop as much which is why it's so old.
I'm looking to update a few parts so I can support Windows 11 and just to improve overall performance. I'm open to upgrading any parts.
Approximate Purchase Date: Now, but no real rush
Budget Range: $1,000 USD, but can go higher if it's worth it (up to ~$3,000*)
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Programming, Surfing the internet, Figma/Photoshop, Video Editing, Some Gaming, 3ds max/maya
Are you buying a monitor: No (but i can for the pixels... ) Currently have 2x - Asus mx279H . 27 inch. 1920x1080px
Location: NYC
My user benchmark: Userbenchmark
The original computer was an Alienware Aurora ~2010-2011