Question 1070 OC and Xeon Processor Compatible Motherboard

Jul 24, 2019
I'm trying to find a motherboard that is compatible with my 1070 Strix OC and my Xeon E5-1650 v3.

I'm struggling to find one that will work with this combination.

Of not this, I also have the option of an i7-7700.
all motherboards that have been made in the last 20 years will support a gtx 1070
pcie gen 2 is inter compatible with gen 3
but dont go for the xeon, buy the i7 7700, not only is it probably cheaper, its 3 years newer or more newer, and for gaming
which requires less cores, but faster cores, its 4 hyperthreaded blazing fast cores will be much better for gaming than the xeon.
so, any b250/b150/z170/z270 will work for you with the i7 7700.
and again
the gtx 1070 will work in every motherboard, but its a strix so its physically big, check if itll work inside your case.
all motherboards that have been made in the last 20 years will support a gtx 1070
pcie gen 2 is inter compatible with gen 3
but dont go for the xeon, buy the i7 7700, not only is it probably cheaper, its 3 years newer or more newer, and for gaming
which requires less cores, but faster cores, its 4 hyperthreaded blazing fast cores will be much better for gaming than the xeon.
so, any b250/b150/z170/z270 will work for you with the i7 7700.
and again
the gtx 1070 will work in every motherboard, but its a strix so its physically big, check if itll work inside your case.

The motherboard in the tower right now is a AL3610, Dell. When I place the 1070 in the tower, it powers on, but nothing displays. The guys at Microenter told me that I would need a new processor, GPU, and tower, but obviously just trying to sell me.

The graphics card is only a couple of months old, so I'm hoping it's the motherboard and not the card.
The motherboard in the tower right now is a AL3610, Dell. When I place the 1070 in the tower, it powers on, but nothing displays. The guys at Microenter told me that I would need a new processor, GPU, and tower, but obviously just trying to sell me.

The graphics card is only a couple of months old, so I'm hoping it's the motherboard and not the card.
I doubt its the gpu
any motherboard supporting a e5-1650 is YEARS old
the capacitors are on the verge of if not are already dead
if it works
sell it
it might even be worth a pretty penny on ebay
(cause old mobos die quickly, those that work are with incredible value)

if the gpu powers on it probably means there's smthn either with the psu or the board
board cause of obvious reasons
but psu because smthn you might not know is that the pcie slot
is actually capable of putting out about 45w of power which is enough to drive leds and the fans but if the pci power cable doesn't push any power it wont actually turn on

if you have a spare gt 710 or 1030 which dont need the pci cable and only suck juice from the slot you can test it

but honestly
i bet its the mobo
I'm trying to find a motherboard that is compatible with my 1070 Strix OC and my Xeon E5-1650 v3.

I'm struggling to find one that will work with this combination.

Of not this, I also have the option of an i7-7700.
looks like that your dell motherboard have lga 2011-3 socket so in this case u will need to get a x99 motherboard and get a cheap case and a good quality 500w psu and you are done
My guess is that Dell locked out which graphics cards are compatible, assuming you have a proper 8-pin connector for your 1070.

I'd google around for people installing graphics cards in your particular system- some OEMs keep ID codes of "compatible" cards and there may be BIOS settings that need to be changed for the 1070 to work.