1070ti and i7 Input Lag


Nov 26, 2015
I've had input lag since I reinstalled my windows one day and I can't seem to fix it. I play csgo and it hits me hard and is unplayable, i've tried other games like Overwatch and i've noticed it too.

I reinstalled windows several times, tried a dozen different drivers. I don't have overheating as I have just purchased a liquid cooler to assist with that. I also have bought a brand new ssd for my windows installation and that wasn't the issue either.

I will randomly get a "good boot" after restarting my pc or turning it back on that will give me no input lag for at least an hour of play before slowly coming back.

CPU - i7-7700k
GPU - GTX 1070ti
MOBO -Z170A Gaming m7
Ram - HyperX Fury 16gb 2400mhz (4x4)
PSU - 850w


Have you tried going into NVIDIA Control Panel? Under Manage 3D settings there will be an option to turn v-sync off at the bottom of the list. Also trying playing games in fullscreen as that might be your issue.


Yes, I have VSYNC turned off on everything possible, I also only play my games in fullscreen.