W weihaas Distinguished Mar 23, 2009 15 0 18,510 Mar 25, 2009 #26 I know I used arctic sliver on my laptops gfx cards, what is it intended to go on in this build? everything? lol
I know I used arctic sliver on my laptops gfx cards, what is it intended to go on in this build? everything? lol
MykC Distinguished Nov 24, 2008 480 0 18,780 Mar 25, 2009 #27 The only thing you'll use it on the is the CPU cooler.
aevm Illustrious May 18, 2007 11,974 0 41,960 Mar 25, 2009 #28 Here's a guide for the arctic silver 5: http://www.arcticsilver.com/ins_route_step2amdas5.html