15 yr old half wiped my computer hard disk.. need help

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Oct 9, 2017
My 15 year old half wiped my Toshiba satellite and then canceled half way through. Now I get checking media fail. And the no bootable device. Please restart screen. Any advise to fix?
Only two things:

1. Reinstall everything clean then secure it so that your 15 year old cannot pull such a brain dead stunt again.
2. If there is/was important, not backed up, data (why no backup???) then get the drive to a professional data recovery service.

Do NOT attempt to recover on your own, you will only cause more problems and may even make it impossible for professionals to recover anything.
Only two things:

1. Reinstall everything clean then secure it so that your 15 year old cannot pull such a brain dead stunt again.
2. If there is/was important, not backed up, data (why no backup???) then get the drive to a professional data recovery service.

Do NOT attempt to recover on your own, you will only cause more problems and may even make it impossible for professionals to recover anything.
The first solution is to restore the drive from a backup if available. Assuming this isn't an option (or you wouldn't be here), try using a Windows installation disk to recover windows.

Lastly, you can recover your data by using a data recovery program. I have had a lot of success with "GetDataBack for NTFS". But, many others will work to recover your data from a F-Disk. This step requires removing the HDD from your PC and connecting it to another or find an older version of Hiren's and booting to the CD. Then you can recover the data to a second installed drive (If exists).

Data can almost always be recovered after a format unless it was a "low level format" then you may be out no matter what. Companies like DriveSavers may be able to help get your data, but this can be costly.
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