Question 16 Pin question


May 11, 2023
Which cable is better the Rt cable mod16 pin x 3 8 pin or the Asus thor2 1000 watt 16 pin x 2 8 pin cable that came with the psu?
If your PSU lacks the 12VHPWR harness then you do with the adapter that comes with the GPU, just make sure you're not bending the cable/harness to the point the connector ends up melting.

If you have native 12VHPWR support from your PSU, then you don't need to bother with the PCIe adapter.
Use the cable that came with the power supply it's good for up to 600 watts.
Which cable do you think is better quality. I used the cable mod one when i had my 4080 and had no issue it had 3 8 pin because i had the 850 thor because i only had 3 left. Is the Thor 2 cable better quality despite only having 2 8 pin ?