19” LCD users – Resolution Question


Dec 19, 2005
Hi folks,

Me planning to buy Viewsonic 19” VX924/922 and the Native resolution for these monitors are – 1280x1024

So, me decide to see how things looks in 1280 x 1024 Resolution and so me turned my 17” CRT to the 1280x1024 resolution.. But when I switched the resolution on my CRT, I am unable to surf the internet properly due to extremely small fonts and even my desktop display/folders etc.. looks small and cramped!

I just wanted to know that the display that I am getting on my CRT at 1280 x 1024 Resolution will be same in the LCD as well ? Do in LCD things get better by auto calibration of fonts and other things ?

Is there something that can be done to overcome this problem in LCD?

Also, if I decrease the resolution to say 1024x768, will the LCD screen suffer from color bleeding OR blur or other kind of problems?

For games, I wanted to know that if the native resolution is 1280 x 1024, can one play games at resolution below without any problems in lcd ?

Any help would be appreciated.
a 19" LCD will have more real estate than a 17" CRT with 1280 1024 hence all ur images in ur 19"cher will appear bigger than in ur CRT

all LCDS must operate at native resolutions (as for ur case, it will be 1280x1024). if u turn it down to 1024x768 ur monitor will still display images, but will now, for example, use 4 pixels to represent 1 pixel and hence all ur images will look blocky sort of.

hope this helps =]