2.8c or 2.8e


Jun 28, 2004
I will be overclocking my machine and what do you think would be better a 2.8c or 2.8e. People have told me that the 2.8e runs hotter. Thanks!
2.8C, PC4000, ABIT IS7, hey, you rule DooD! Northwoods overclock better and beat Scottie at most things! :smile:

"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds. Now, let's eat!
heya asg102;

In my oppinion the 2.8c is the best bang for the buck, pair it with the Abit Is7-G, and some Samsung modules, and you will get excellent results. Some may disagree, favoring the latest technology, however just because it is newer doesnt make it better, if you are even considering the prescott, i would wait just a little longer and get the new LGA775 P4 instead, take advantage of the DDR2 and PCIe that will be available. Being that this may completely make obsolete some of your hardware, and push you to buy new hardware to replace it, you should take that into consideration before making the decision to upgrade to the latest and greatest.

In anycase skip the prescott its a waste of time.

<Archer> Cant this thing go any faster, I thought this was a warp 5 Engine?

<Trip> Yeah, on paper...

LOL, 2.8E smokes 2.8C.

What's wrong with all of you.

1MB is a lot better than 512KB.

Pentium 4 Extreme Edition is so expensive because of it high L2 memory which is 2MB.

The AMD 64 FX (the expensive AMD chip to fight the Intel Extreme Edition) has 1MB L2 Cache.

Buy the 2.8E prescott, you won't look back.

<A HREF="http://www.clan-chaos.com" target="_new">clan CHAOS</A>
2.8C and your preference in i865PE chipset board from reputabl emanufacturer that has hacked PAT into it for you. Some PC4000 or so ram, and have at it(might replace the HSF too)
2.8c all the way but it would be bugging me to buy a 2.8c now, this CPU perform nicely and is pretty cheap but its getting kinda old.
I know I wouldnt buy a Prescott.
Bottom line is even if I never owned an AMD system, if I had to build a new rig today, no Intel product would be attractive so I would probly go AMD...

Asus P4P800DX, P4C 2.6ghz@3.25ghz, 2X512 OCZ PC4000 3-3-3-8, Leadtek FX5900 w/ FX5950U bios@500/1000, 2X30gig Raid0