2 9800 GTX +'s...Is It Worth It?


Mar 24, 2009
hey hows everyone doing...

I currently have a evga 9800 gtx+ in my gaming rig...only 4 months old now. Im absolutely loving this card as it is currently destroying all the games im throwing at it. I was going to upgrade around christmas and had my mind set up on buying another one for the SLI option. Does anyone think this is a good idea or should i just wait and see whats out by 2010?

my specs are...

intel core 2 due e8400 3.0
Asus P5N-D 750i SLI
evga 9800 gtx+ 512 mb
650W Corsair
4GB ddr2 Kingston
vista 64bit

thnx for taking the time to help...


Mar 24, 2009
right now it is...sorry i might have been a little to over exaggerated when i say "destroy"...lol...its doing pretty good...im looking at the future...6 months from now...
What are the specs on your monitor and what games do you play the most?

If you are going to get another 9800GTX do it quick because it is being phased out by the very popular GTS250 and most likely the 9800GTXs will not longer be available for sale by XMas unless you hunt through EBay.

I am guessing since it is the same chip (G92) you can SLI a GTS250 with a 9800GTX but I am not 100% sure. Likely Yes, but I don't absolutely know.


Mar 24, 2009
ive got an Acer H233H 23" LCD.
1920x1080 @ 60Hz
40000:1 max (ACM)....i absolutely love this thing

I play games like empire total war, mostly non intensive strategy games (even tho total war was and still is intensive with all the damn bugs), but i wanna be ready for more hardcore gaming.

u kno i was thinking the same thing with the GTS250. i gotta do more research because that didnt sound too bad either. but i also forgot about DX11.

ahhh, decisions decisions...thnx for the input people...


May 5, 2009

The 9800 gtx+ cannot handle games in this resolution 1920x1080.

Now stop the trolling and admit that the 9800 gtx+ is only suitable for garbage.

Even two 9800 gtx+ is for garbage. If you want real performance in you games you will need something like 2x 285GTX or 2x 4890 OC.

:pfff: , muppet.


Oct 24, 2008

Yeah I agree with this guy because all the known problems with scaling are everybody's dream.

Just buy a single gtx 285 or 4890 and be done with it :)

By the time dx11 cards are out maybe 285 prices will drop to 250ish and 4890's to 150ish (already 180 I believe)

So selling off your current 9800 for 80 bucks and then using that and the 100 or so you'd be using to upgrade you could get a single card (even now) that will outperform what you have for the same, if not less money.
I wouldn't worry about DX11 yet.

Does anyone really know of any DX11 games that are going to be released later this year? I don't. It is going to take a year or so before DX11 becomes mainstream where there are several games that can run the DX11 code.

Nvidia is really dragging their feet with it too. Last I heard they are not even going to have the technology available until Mid 2010.

Two ATI HD4850s in X-Fire will beat a GTX280 by a good margin. I think I heard 13 to 18%. so I can only assume that two 9800GTXs would offer similar performance.

I would say with 9800GTXs selling for around $120 I think I would pair up and buy a 2nd one. They are pretty darn cheap.



Oct 24, 2008

I'm just repeating what I've read other people say here, AMD is apparently working with developers to actually have dx11 games out when the dx11 cards launch unlike the catastrophe that was dx10.

I read the press release that Dirk from AMD put out. Probably the same article you read. But what are these games? I don't think Dirk mentioned a single DX11 game or even a name of a single publisher.

I subscribe to PC Gamer magazine and I have not seen any article or cover story on a DX11 title. I have not even seen photos showing the difference between DX10 and DX11.

I would not buy a card unless there was a game that I really wanted that required that card.

With ATI having the only DX11 cards on the market for a long time you know they are going to charge a premium for them because they are going to have no competition from Nvidia in DX11 until mid next year.

BTW...don't you have to buy Windows 7 to run DX11? Or are they going to have a patch for Vista that will allow you to run it?

I just can't see buying a DX11 card at a premium at release and perhaps having to spend $100 on a new operating system also for some DX11 games that have not been announced yet.

I think you would get far better bang for your buck with a 2nd 9800GTX for the next year.

The HD58XX cards are going to be version 1.0 of DX11. I think I would wait for Version 2.0

Great post by AlphaOmegaX. I am not disagreeing with what he is saying at all. I am just putting some thoughts out there.



Oct 24, 2008
DX11 will be on Vista as well.

I get what you're saying on the actual news of it all and honestly, not having heard anything about it, it will probably be like Dx10's launch. But, at least they are talking about it this time. When dx10 came out we all knew there were like six games that used it. FSX is the only one I remember and it was horrible :D

I can see it now...Starcraft II DX10 vs DX11: 60fps vs 10FPS

You know I just hopped back on the computer to take back my comments. Because I think I remember an article stating that Diabo 3 was going to be DX11. AMD already has a partnership with Blizzard.

If StarCraft2 and Diabo 3 were DX11 it would be worth getting a DX11 card.

But back to your point which is what I have been thinking all along. How many frames per second is version 1.0 of a DX11 card going to be able to run a DX11 game?

If it can dish out 40 fraps or better it may be worth it.

The OP has a pretty good processor so that is a big plus for him.

He says his cards runs games fine right now.

But then again $120 for a 9800GTX? If I was him I would take the obligation upon myself to help out the economy and buy a 9800GTX now in an effort to help end the recession.
Dirt2 is 1 DX11 game, theres another as well, cant remember it, and then theres all the delayed games from this year that will have a good chance of being DX11 when they come out, plus others, plus any current DX10 game, if they decide to patch it over
@ Kronick: Stick to your plan: Wait until December, by then the DX11 dust will have started to settle and you will have some hard benchmark figures to base a decision on.
Unless your current card is 1Gb, SLI is maybe not the best option, the extra memory is a must for higher resolutions-for a hard core gamer;)
If you do n't like/ cannot afford the newer cards consider a GTX275 as a Christmas prezzie to yourself: You will not regret it.


Mar 24, 2009
wow thnx guys for all the great input...except for that troll guy he doesnt seem to kno what hes talkin about (unless hes joking around)...i downloaded the crysis demo and at 1440x900 i thought the game looked amazing...and ran perfectly fine...

u kno that GTX275 looks really nice...might think about it...but for now ill just wait...get a dx11 card in 6-7 months, forgot that was a reason i got vista 64bit...


May 3, 2009

Agreed, don't know what the troll is talking about. I'm running cysis on all high without the eye candy at 1920x1200 on a 24" Asus monitor and it runs smooth as silk.

Kronick, have you tried to oc the card? Since your going to keep it for a few months I'd suggest trying it. It oc's very well. I can't remember the exact numbers I have mine at but I was able to pass the black edition core and shader clock numbers. With the fan running at 80% it's stable so I could probably take it further if I ran the fan at 100%


Mar 24, 2009
@troll...well to tell you the truth if i had the money i would have already bought another one and helped out the economy to help end the recession (thats pretty funny rwayne thnx for the laugh)... but i dont sad to say.

U kno i was really thinking if i should OC...I read its not that hard but i really dont wanna screw sumthin up with my computer...and i remember trying to change the fan speed but it wouldnt let me...some screen popped up saying if i did so my warranty with ibuypower would be cancelled or sumthin...so i just left it alone...

by the way last night i was messin with crysis again and on 1920x1080 with all high settings and no eye candy i was getting roughly 30 fps...probably not a bid deal but shocked the hell outta me...very playable...