Hi. I have annoying problem which bothers me for long time and nobody from Comas has not been able to solve it yet.
I made my account here long time ago registered on my main email. Recently I came back but forgot my password. When I wanted to reset my password I got this error: There was an error processing the password reset.
So I was thinking login with my Google account because it uses also my main email. But I got new email: Welcome to Tom's Forum, like I would make another account - that's what local system thinks appareantly. But it's same account, when Im logged with Google I am logged on my original old account in same time - foukal. But now whenever I try to change password it says for change: This email is already in use.
Changing email adress also did nothing.
What I want is to get rid of my Google related account and be able to login with my name and password, not via Google.
I had long talk about this with Johnny5, but after asking for reset my password, I did not get reply. And I think, anyway, it wouldn't solve anything.
What should I do? I don't care about this account and I have no problem to start fresh, but my question is, if I delete my account, will it delete and free up my email adressed used in registration so as related email from google account, which. as I said, is same email?
I made my account here long time ago registered on my main email. Recently I came back but forgot my password. When I wanted to reset my password I got this error: There was an error processing the password reset.
So I was thinking login with my Google account because it uses also my main email. But I got new email: Welcome to Tom's Forum, like I would make another account - that's what local system thinks appareantly. But it's same account, when Im logged with Google I am logged on my original old account in same time - foukal. But now whenever I try to change password it says for change: This email is already in use.
Changing email adress also did nothing.
What I want is to get rid of my Google related account and be able to login with my name and password, not via Google.
I had long talk about this with Johnny5, but after asking for reset my password, I did not get reply. And I think, anyway, it wouldn't solve anything.
What should I do? I don't care about this account and I have no problem to start fresh, but my question is, if I delete my account, will it delete and free up my email adressed used in registration so as related email from google account, which. as I said, is same email?