2 radeon 7770 crossfire power supply?


Jun 27, 2013
I have a thermal take m850w and two XFX Radeon R7770 Ultra Overclock in Crossfire.

My question is my power supply (modular) has 2 Pci-E power cord connnectors and my Video cards only require one 2x6 PCI Connector. Each power cord from PSU has 2 2x8 Pci-e Connectors. Do i need to use both power cords or can i just use one? I just switched to one and it seems ok just wanna make sure.

Mainly just concerned about wire management.


"my power supply (modular) has 2 Pci-E power cord connectors (2 x 8)" The 8 Pin are generally made so that they will also plug into a 6 pin connector - So just plug one into the 6 pin on card 1 and the other into 6 pin on card two.

Added: ref your PSU:
If it is one of these: "Thermaltake Purepower NP, Thermaltake Purepower RU, Thermaltake TR2 (and TR2-RX)" Please do yourself a favor and REMOVE it from system, These three are in tier 5 and NOT rcommended for use in Computer - Unless you are willing to "roll-the-dice" and take a chance thet WHEN the PSU bites the bullet and takes everything else with it.

NOTE: the 7770 is very low power and two in Xfire
You are probably under 350 Watts, maybe even under 300 Watts with a pair of 7770s in xfire.
My 7850 (single card is ONLY around 200 Watts (TOTAL COMPUTER power).
A "quality" 650 Watt would be an excellent choice, even a 550 Watt Quality" PSU would be acceptable.
My own recommendation is to never go below a tier 3 PSU, and if Possible go with a tier 2 - Tier one would be great; but, tend to be pricey.