2 sata3 ssds in the same system


Feb 28, 2011
Hello all, I have a plextor px- M2p 128g that supports trim with the OS on it and a few games and programs, about 50g's left and don't want to fill any more on it as i read that can be bad to fill them up. I got a good deal on another SSD SanDisk Extreme SDSSDX-120G but doesnt say anything about trim, i bought it anyways as it could always go in my other system where i just have one decent spinner. Im wondering if i can raid these 2 ssds together or if i can run them as separate drives in the same system having the OS and a few frequently used programs on one and use the other for gaming?
Sandisk 120g

plextor px-m2p 128g
Nice buy!

Raid with two SSD will give you better benchmarks, but just doesn't give you any real noticeable speed improvement, at the cost of increase potential data loss from a drive or motherboard raid controller issue. I use a second SSD on several machines and it works great.
Lol yup realbeast I work 3rd shift and was just shopping around about 3am and jumped on it soon as I saw it.. last time waited and researched what I wanted went out of stock soo.. well I do like your asnswer I've read so much stuff about raid it makes my head hurt, I'll just wait for the m2p to come back in, it has an estimate date to attempt raid.. so hopefully they do. Thanks again for your reply.
Nice buy!

Raid with two SSD will give you better benchmarks, but just doesn't give you any real noticeable speed improvement, at the cost of increase potential data loss from a drive or motherboard raid controller issue. I use a second SSD on several machines and it works great.