So, long story but I am upgrading my gtx 1660 to a rtx 2070. I currently run a ryzen 5 1600 on a msi b350m mbo, very outdated. I am buying the gpu second hand and also is giving me a i7 8700k, an Asus prime z370 MBO, and a CoolerMaster AIO for a very very good deal. I wasn't planning on upgrading anything except for the gpu but this was a good deal so i bought it. How much better would my pc run games with a 2070 and the ryzen 5 1600 over the 1660 super? Will the cpu bottleneck it too much to the point where it wont be noticable? My plan was to keep the gpu and then sell the other parts off for profit but would it be worth changing the mbo and the cpu and selling my old parts? I only game on the system and am looking to spend as least money as possible but if the 2070 will be not much of a difference over the 1660 because of the old cpu, then I would keep the cpu. Thoughts? Thanks.