mjbn1977 :
I don't know. I only played this game with a RTX card. The setting is definitely there. There are to toggles under the advance video settings. One on top to turn it on and off, right where the toggle for DX11/DX12 is and one on the very bottom of the settings where you set "low, medium, high, ultra". It's really existing. My wife and I just looked at the Ray Tracing reflections in all those puddles in the Tirailleur war story. We played around with the different ray tracing quality settings to see if I can make out differences between them.
well damn....those settings arent there for me.
thats pretty damn cool that it wont even show up with a gtx1080.

Nah for real though its not worth the extra money compared to what I do and get from my 1080
but still pretty cool.
so OP needs to decide whats best and worth spending money on