Question 240hz monitor

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Aug 17, 2019
Hello guys!
I am looking to buy 240hz monitor mainly for csgo (sometimes other fps games like fortnite etc)
The thing is I dont know which one should I get, as you know I would like one with the lowest input lag (fastest response time possible) for cs:go
I'd love to have monitor with digital vibrance colors function as well.

I thought about getting benq xl2540 but still thinking if its worth the price, because there are other 240hz monitors which price begin at 300euro~ and I just dont know if these monitors have biggest input lag or so..
Of course I am going to play csgo at competitive level so I wouldnt like to get 144hz because there would be some disadvantage and 240hz is better for future!

So if someone can help me with it or give me some of their opinions I would appreciate that!
If someone thinks that "if you can afford benq for 500 euro then get it", the thing is that I can afford it but then I would need to cut like 100 euro from my PC build!
1st off, any monitor that can do 240Hz is 1080p, TN panel and also with 1ms response time. VA and IPS panels aren't capable more than 165Hz at current date.

For 2nd, here's full list of monitors that fit your criteria, where several are cheaper than BenQ you picked out (as cheap as €339),

And for 3rd, Digital Vibrance is a setting under Nvidia Control panel (Adjust desktop computer settings) which you can adjust. Digital Vibrance doesn't come as a function/feature of the monitor itself.
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Thanks for answer bro

I know about the first thing, but I heard and read that even if "specification" of monitors is the same, in reality there are some differences in input lag..

and about digital vibrance I know, but benq has additional function (its like double digital vibrance, in graphics card and monitor) 😛

I am just curious if its worth to buy exactly benq (I guess its so expensive because it is used at big tournaments) but if I am not going to have any disadvantage on other cheaper monitor, I would go for it.
I just want to compete without any disadvantage with the best people :)
Well, to tell a real-world diff between 240Hz monitors, you need to read monitor comparisons, like this one here,
And 2nd one as well for good measure,

When it comes to the input lag, monitor's response time is just one piece of the puzzle. KB and mouse polling rate, how many USB devices you have hooked to the PC/MoBo, bloatware in your system, internet connection speed, internet ping, etc - all that plays a role in input lag.

And when it comes to the disadvantage between PCs, there is always a disadvantage. Question is in how much of a degree. Even when you take 2x exactly identical PCs (same hardware, same software, even same software version), both PCs won't perform exactly the same. There are always vairances between the two PCs. It's best seen when you run same benchmark on both PCs. Both get similar results but can be off as little as 1 or 2 digits. Different bench score = different performance.
Though, biggest disadvantage comes from the fitting between KB and chair. Since unless you're #1, you'd be in disadvantage skill wise. But enough of that. I stop now.
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