$26,000 PC???

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Apr 30, 2006
The thing that they built is not optimized for what they purpose it for, gaming. They used some sereious server parts which would defenetly outperform a gaming rig when it comes to server ops. But for gaming, it would most like not do as well as a purpose built gaming rig built from optimized parts.

For instance the mobo they had chosen is NOT an SLI board so having 2 GPU's is only worthwile if you have four monitors. The proc are quad's so in essence your have 8 cores of processing power. I'm not aware of any games that use 4 cores as it is.

My build would be something like this if I had the money

TT Armor case 149.99
NEC DVD burner x2 29.99 ea 59.98
Seagate 320gig 7200.10 x3 for raid5 269.97
4 gigs Dominator mem pc6400 538.00
ASUS p5n32 650i 199.99
PC Power & Cooling 1 KW PSU 564.99
qx6700 quadcore 970.00
2 evga 8800gtx overclocked 1199.98
xfi fatality 140.99
Dell 2407 700.00
Water cooling kit 600.00
Keyboard, mouse and speakers 400.00

All this adds up to a grand total of 5793.89

And this thing would be overkill, tbh I wouldn't spend more then 3 grand at most for a top of the line system.


Jan 29, 2006
deathbybubba said:
TT Armor case 149.99
NEC DVD burner x2 29.99 ea 59.98
Seagate 320gig 7200.10 x3 for raid5 269.97
4 gigs Dominator mem pc6400 538.00
ASUS p5n32 650i 199.99
PC Power & Cooling 1 KW PSU 564.99
qx6700 quadcore 970.00
2 evga 8800gtx overclocked 1199.98
xfi fatality 140.99
Dell 2407 700.00
Water cooling kit 600.00
Keyboard, mouse and speakers 400.00

All this adds up to a grand total of 5793.89
I would say Raptors for windows and barracudas for storage
pc6400 dominators?the pc8888 at cas 4 outperforms that one.
p5n32? I would go for something like the striker extreme or the eVGA
pc power & cooling? heard better things from the enermax one.
evga 8800gtx overclocked? thewater cooled ones from bfg are the best ones, if you want to keep them in air, the evga ACS3 version is the best.
xfi fatality? the best one there would be the Elite Pro
Dell 2407? The 30-inches would be a monster in there!
keybaord G15, mouse G7 and speakers Z-5500.

That would make it maybe $7500? ;) better PC for less than $26,000


Sep 19, 2006
that's the stupidiest thing ever.

Most of the money was spent on the case.

For that amount of money, one could have at least 16 Gb of RAM, 15k rpm UW-SCSI disks and RAID controllers with 256 Mb RAM.

Servers usually go much better with redundant cooling and power. All my servers have fault-tolerant and redundant PSUs and coolers.

They must have a shitload of money to throw away.

Porsche paint? WTF? A few cans of spray paint would have yielded the same results!
foget UW-SCSI SAS is faster.


Feb 21, 2006
Just to have it is the reason to buy it :>

I once had a retired doctor friend who was extremely well to do.

He had the most expensive PC money could buy and an AOL account with free unlimited use back in the day that all internet activity was billed by the minute. (His Daughter was some type of assistant to Bill G. - I swear).

He had no clue on how to even turn his PC on nor any real desire to learn how to operate it. What he would do, however, is invite friends over so they could use the sytem for him while he watched.


Jan 29, 2006
Now thats stupidity

is like saying I will buy a PS3 but because I dont know how to use it I will let my friends use it for me so I can entertain myself by watching.

Why didnt he spend some money on something he liked and something he could use?


Oct 16, 2006
It would be interesting though if you would compile a list of the components you would use to "put together a PC for MUCH less than that and it would kick that $26,000 PCs' overpriced ass" since you did bring it up.

That would be a nice exercise in CSS (computer shopping science :) ).

For starters, just get rid of the frigging porsche paint and you're saving yourself $1,000

I will. I will post it tonight.
WOW!!! I did not expect this many people to respond to this. And yes I know any one here at THG Forumz can put together a much better rig for less than that. As I told you all in my post before I found this randomly on PC World and thought this would be interesting, as to the waste of money some one who actually brought this would face, unless they are RICH. And for those who think that I am a NOOB I suggest that you tell that to 40+ PC’s that I built for friends, such as this which will be finished by June/July. I may be new to the Foremz but that is no excuse to call me a NOOB.


Mar 13, 2007
That is not worth 26,000!! I dont know how much the 9 hard drives cost but without them there is maybe 7-10 grand in parts. I am looking for 2 of the quad core xeons and one just sold for 900 in a ebay auction. The ram cant be more than 1500. 1000 watt power is 850 max. 8800 gtx are 600 each. The motherboard is 500 and it is a stupid choice to use it with 2 8800gtx's, it doesn't have a chipset that supports sli!!! unless you are going to use 3 or 4 monitors having the 2 video cards is useless and won't give any extra power on one monitor. Look at this
there is no sli connector.
The blue ray disc drive I am guessing is a grand. 2500 in water cooling sound like overkill. 24" monitor is areoung 1000. That is 10 grand in parts...so 16 grand in the hard drives and case....duhhhh duhhh. You could look at alot of german shiester porn with it though. 8O 8O 8O 8O


Feb 7, 2007

u obviously have a ONE Sided BRAIN!

One part of our business deals with gamers

Another part of our business deals with Servers

WE also have 6 other sides of our business too.

SO our 8 sided business vs ur one sided BRAIN?

Why dont you and Stefx get together to make a 2 sided brain!



Jun 19, 2006
You are a complete idiot. Nobody here thinks you are smart, you haven't said anything intelligent yet that I have seen. You have a Bentley? I'd like to see the proof. You get paid "big bux" to make "big decisions?" You got confused a bit, you don't actually make any decisions, it's the people who you ask "Do you want fries with that?" that are making the decisions. Big "bux?" I bet...


Nov 27, 2006
I'll join the club. PC_Side_Line has frequently made posts that would be objectively considered "weird". He often fails to debate his proposal with facts.
On multiple occasions he posted stuff that didn't seem to have any sense or where not related to the discussion:
-The thread he started about Sadam Hussein and computers
-The multiple times he said that 1024x768 is the best resolution (even though he has been explained many times why he is wrong)
-His "Chicken versus Egg" post which I'm still wondering where he was going with that
-His post where a person was asking for hardware advice, and PC_Side_Line give him a "Don't commit suicide... become active in your community". I have shown that one to some people, and the general agreement is that no one can explain the objective of that post.


Nov 27, 2006

u obviously have a ONE Sided BRAIN!



This is a technical forum to discuss computer technology. Use facts, not insults. It ruins your credibility even further when your resort to name-calling.

Heyyou's reaction is not surprising. Look at the facts:
-You said in 4-5 different threads that 1024x768 is the best resolution that all should use
-Lots of people have proven you wrong, yet you continue to spread this wrong advice.
-You have made multiple posts that fail to have any sense (the one about Sadam Hussein and computers, the one about the chicken and egg, the one about your Bentley, the one about suicide and community service)

We cannot ignore your "weird" posts and then take you seriously a minute later. You are one person. You even fail to explain your erratic behavior. More than two dozen people already regularly highlight your strange posts.


Feb 7, 2007
Hey s t e f x GROW UP


no one elected you to collect info on people.

what this forum is for is providing your pc experiences to help others.

Do u know what input is? ever studied a computer model or flowcharting?

grow up again.


Jan 4, 2006

u obviously have a ONE Sided BRAIN!

One part of our business deals with gamers

Another part of our business deals with Servers

WE also have 6 other sides of our business too.

SO our 8 sided business vs ur one sided BRAIN?

Why dont you and Stefx get together to make a 2 sided brain!

Do you go door to door, or did you set a table up next to the road?
Hey "proof" i got the Bentley, what do u have?

I get paid bug bux to make big decisions, can u make any decisions?
Oh yeah? I go to work in a $100,000,000,000,000 spaceship everyday, after passing Mars on the way from Jupiter! :roll:


Jun 19, 2006
How haven't you been banned? 245 useless posts... I have probably 490 useless posts (counting this one) but at least it's not 100% of my time here at Tom's.


Aug 14, 2006
I cannot pass this up I'm sorry Stef.

If you supervised him SideLine, I'm sure he'd shoot himself.

I had to...... :wink:

Side Line, you're a manager, so am I. So let me speak from one manager to another right now to you:

Stef is/was not attacking you personally. He was questioning a number of your comments that do not stick to the posts, the questions, or the topics. Several of your posts do not make sense and are not coherent. They do not follow logical thought process. NOW, what if one of your employees you supervise did something that was completely opposite from what you told them? My guess is you either correct them, or give them crap, or both. And that's what you're doing in these forums from time to time. So what are people supposed to think? Similarly, shouldn't you be corrected?

People come to these forums for tech advice. People with the knowledge or experience try to help these visitors. People that offer nothing to the conversation, take a topic off course, confuse the visitors, and talk about highly unusual, illogical things........should be ignored, or at least learn to keep their mouths shut. Wouldn't you agree? Wouldn't you tell your employees to do what their supposed to, and NOT what they're not hired for? It's the same here. And yet you continue to do exactly what you say not to do. The irony is beyond amusing, it's actually embarassing.

So if you have something on-topic, positive, and constructive and useful to contribute.....then by all means, please contribute! We're all here to help and learn. But if you don't, then please keep quiet. All opinions are welcome, it is a free forum here! But don't state opinions as fact, and please stay on topic. Going on about weird things like suicide and other such nonsensical topics have no place here. You are welcome to take those comments to another forum that would welcome debate and discussion about it. But these are TECH forums.

We only ask that you abide by the rules. And don't criticize people for things when you do the exact same. That's the pot calling the kettle black. Surely you wouldn't expect that from your employees? So then why is it different here? It isn't. It the same thing.

So please remember that. If you have nothing good to say, then don't say anything. I'm sure you were taught that when you were little? They are wise words for these forums.

There are rules here. Just follow them. It's not that difficult really.

Thank you for your understanding, I'm confident you can respond in an adult and mature manner that is becoming of a manager. I'm sure you'll show us how people-savvy you really are, since you ARE a manager after all. I have no doubt you're a smart person, and perhaps some of your comments may have been miscommunicated, and that you will offer relevant and useful advice in these forums.
