[SOLVED] 2700X streaming/throttling issues?

Oct 9, 2018
Specs: Ryzen 7 2700X
Gigabyte 2080 OC
Corsair H100 pro AIO
G Skill 16gb 3000 ddr4
Asus ROG x470 F-Gaming
Gold 550W PS

I stream blackout and fortnite, but have been having issues this week with CPU and Ping. I recently switched to the 2700X about 3 months ago and installed my 2080 about 2 weeks ago.

My issue is that when I play fortnite my ping goes way into the 3-400's. This is only when streaming. I was able to stream blackout for a month and a half without issue, now I can't even stream it since it now magically uses 75-80% of my CPU. Streamlabs uses about 10-25% of my CPU.

I removed the drivers before installing the 2080, updated to the latest. I updated to the latest Bios this morning and nothing changed. I'm not OC on the CPU, it's an X, so no need to since it does it automatically. During Cinebench the CPU temps are 65 C.

What should I try?


Hi Luke :)

For a start your Ping or Latency issue is usually related to heavy server usage or bandwidth congestion thru the router and not per say from your CPU. It is not configurable from an end user point of view and the only exception is Spyware or P2P programs hogging bandwidth.
You can run a traceroute then contacting your ISP with the results to help identify and troubleshoot the exact issue.

Traceroute is a utility that records the route between your computer and a destination computer on the Internet. It measures the time it takes to reach each node (specific gateway computer at each hop) needed to make the connection.

Traceroute is a handy tool both for understanding where problems are in the network (packet loss, high...
Hi Luke :)

For a start your Ping or Latency issue is usually related to heavy server usage or bandwidth congestion thru the router and not per say from your CPU. It is not configurable from an end user point of view and the only exception is Spyware or P2P programs hogging bandwidth.
You can run a traceroute then contacting your ISP with the results to help identify and troubleshoot the exact issue.

Traceroute is a utility that records the route between your computer and a destination computer on the Internet. It measures the time it takes to reach each node (specific gateway computer at each hop) needed to make the connection.

Traceroute is a handy tool both for understanding where problems are in the network (packet loss, high latency) and for getting a detailed sense of the network itself. The traceroute utility sends 3 ICMP packets to each node, increasing the "time to live" value of packets and seeing how far they get until they reach the given destination; thus, a trail of hosts passed through and time to them is built up.

The traceroute utility comes included with most current operating systems as part of the TCP/IP package. In Windows, traceroute can be used from the Command Prompt, by typing:

tracert www.speedguide.net