
Jul 29, 2010
Hi guys

wanting to know if my Mobo will let me use 4Gb of ram//3.5Gb for my XP 32 bit.

Its a P5PL2-E

Have owner manual that says max ram is 2Gb but is there a BIOS update or anything that will allow me to use 3.5Gb's?

Thanks in Advance for replys
Asus's website is deciding to be a total PITA today, and it's not loading the information for P5PL2-E. I read on the Asus forums that somebody tried using 4x1 GB but it wouldn't work. I don't think a BIOS update would solve a motherboard's physical limitations... I might be wrong though, it may not be the motherboard's fault and instead be something to do with the chipset.