2nd display won't get identified


May 5, 2017
Hey guys!
I've got a free monitor off of work, and was wondering, why doesn't it get identified by my PC? Is it because only the video card can do it? The blue cable is the one that isn't identified, i guess i could buy an HDMI cable and hook it up, since the video-card has an HDMI slot. http://imgur.com/a/THD34
Umm. You'll need to do a couple more steps. In bios, make sure multiple monitors is enabled.
All connections should be on the gpu, don't mix with the motherboard connections. When you finally get that sorted out, in control panel you'll need to set the monitors as extend (duplicate will drive you nuts), but that should solve the issue. You may need to fiddle with which monitor identifies as primary, but Windows will load according to what the gpu is configured for primary. (meaning it'll boot on one screen, but revert to windows settings after). Dvi usually is primary on the gpu, hdmi secondary.

Hey Karadjgne, thanks for the quick reply!
Well, the problem is the fact that only the video card slots work. If i hook up my main monitor, the one that I'm currently using, it doesn't work if I plug it into the motherboard slot. The white cable is from my main monitor and it's plugged into the video card, if i try to plug it into the motherboard it doesn't work at all.
Edit: I've done the BIOS thing, enabled multiple-monitor support. What exactly did you mean by saying "don't mix the motherboard connections"? Is it unwise to connect the monitor there (seeing how it's impossible in my case) or is it just impossible to do so? I need to purchase an HDMI cable, if i can't use the motherboard...
You need to look bewteen the BIOS settings because the BIOS automatically closes the onboard graphics since you have another GPU installed. You should set the integrated graphics to be Always ON and make it primary. Can you post a picture of the BIOS where the graphics options appear?

I opened this one using F2, i've enabled multiple monitor support.
When i change the Primary Graphics Adapter, if i use Onboard, my motherboard works, video card doesnt (the monitor that is connected to the motherboard works, video card one doesnt), when i use the one called PCI Express (there are only 2 options), the video card monitor works, the motherboard one doesn't.
Can you give me an exact Motherboard model name or Bios name and version? I`m guessing that not on all motherboards it is available the onboard and offboard gpu's to work in the same time. So my safest and uncomplicated bet would be to buy the HDMI.

Yeah, my motherboard is fairly old, so i would guess that it's outdated and doesn't support double monitors.
My motherboard:
Manufacturer - ASRock
Product - H81M-HDS
SerialNumber - M80-39021100976
I suppose getting an HDMI cable is a safe bet, since my video card is a GTX 1060, a fairly new one, and it has a port for my current monitor and what looks like 2 HDMI ports.
Both monitors need to be plugged into the graphics card. According to the picture you have the white on gpu and blue on the motherboard. You'll need to move the blue one to the hdmi on the gpu by adapter or use an hdmi cable to the monitor. You'll also need to make sure the monitor is set for the correct input.

Yeah, that is more or less what i thought, so i guess i'll get an HDMI cable for my 2nd monitor.
Still don't really get why I can't use both the motherboard and video-card simultaneously, but eh, as long as i get it working, it's fine.
Edit: borrowed an HDMI cable from a friend, hooked up the 2nd monitor without problems, thanks for the help Karadjgne and DondoFX, have a great day!