I assembled my second computer in Office Depot a year ago and it is Abit motherboard and Pentium III 500. My HD is ATA/66 I want to buy the second one -- ATA/100.
(1)Would my motherboard support ATA/100?
(2)Can I run one HD at ATA/100 and another at ATA/66, if motherboard supports ATA/100?
(3)What would be the best Master/Slave configuration taking in account that I also have CDrom and Zip Drive on another IDE?
(4) If my motherboad doesn't support ATA/100, would a PCI card help me to install ATA/100 HD and run it at full capacity?
Thanks a lot.
I assembled my second computer in Office Depot a year ago and it is Abit motherboard and Pentium III 500. My HD is ATA/66 I want to buy the second one -- ATA/100.
(1)Would my motherboard support ATA/100?
(2)Can I run one HD at ATA/100 and another at ATA/66, if motherboard supports ATA/100?
(3)What would be the best Master/Slave configuration taking in account that I also have CDrom and Zip Drive on another IDE?
(4) If my motherboad doesn't support ATA/100, would a PCI card help me to install ATA/100 HD and run it at full capacity?
Thanks a lot.