3 monitors on a Asus Z97-P


Nov 11, 2014
My ASUS manuel says I can attach 3 monitors on a Z97-P motherboard with Windows 7 by using the VGA, Digital and HDMI outputs on the motherboard. ASUS does not respond to Email.
People who know computers question whether you can operate all 3 at the same time so as to have a wide screen.
CAN YOU OPERATE 3 MONIOTRS ON THE Z97-P with windows 7 or will only 2 work at a time?
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This is concerning the CPU. I'm assuming your CPU has integrated graphics since you are using the ports on your motherboard so to answer your question, yes, you can run 3 monitors, but you should look up your Intel HD Graphics version to make sure your version will support 3 monitors
This is concerning the CPU. I'm assuming your CPU has integrated graphics since you are using the ports on your motherboard so to answer your question, yes, you can run 3 monitors, but you should look up your Intel HD Graphics version to make sure your version will support 3 monitors