Question 3090 Gigabite gamining oc screw

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Mar 10, 2024
Hello everyone.
I replaced my graphics card with thermal pads, when I put the cover back I lost some screws - now the card is causing problems because the HEATSINCK is not connected properly, does anyone know where I can find information on what type of screws are required?
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

You might want to look into a parts only card on Ebay, but maybe you'd find better luck contacting Gigabyte support and asking them to send you a screw kit for the card, that way you're not cross-threading and/or ruining your card.

Yes you've voided warranty disassembling the card but you could probably pay for shipping and have the right screws for your card.
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Thanks for the welcome and quick response!
I saw that they sell screws that I think are compatible with gpu on sites such as AliExpress, etc., but I don't know the exact sizes needed, where do you think this information can be found?
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