3D Mark 11 Issues

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Aug 19, 2011
Hey All,
I just ran 3D Mark 11 on a system I built a few days ago, and it tells me that my processor is performing extremely well, but my graphics card is performing poorly (about 600 points below expected). I am using an evga geforce gtx 580 and all the latest drivers . Can anyone suggest why I might be underperforming? Are there any other drivers that I might need that would effect graphics performance? My overall score was about 6500, and my graphics card was rated at about 6000 (and 3DMark tells me it should be about 6600)
Here is my full system specs:
Case: Corsair 650D
Processor: Intel i7 2600k OC's to 4.8GHz
RAM: 8GB GSkill RipJaw X 1600Mhz (timings: 9-9-9-24)
Motherboard: Asus Maximus IV Extreme-z
Graphics Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 580
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
Power: Corsair 850W
Any help anyone could give would be very appreciated--- this is my first custom build so I'm new to all of this.
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