3dfx abandoning manufacturing



If 3dfx can't make a legitimate chip soon, they may be and trouble,rumor has it that they will likely be bought out. I'm sad to see this as this is one less choice for consumers. With Nvidia making large gains on ATI, soon our only choice may be a Nvidia based board.


Rumors have it today that these are the specs for 3dfx's rampage.

Entry Level Rampage Configuration:
2 way SLI (1 Rampage chip and 1 T&L unit)
32-512 MB memory support (200MHz DDR)
6.4GB/sec memory bandwidth
4 pixels/clock 800Mpixel fill rate (core clock at 200MHZ)
75 million triangles/polygons per second
0.18 micron
32 bit rendering
Full DirectX 8.0 Features
Advanced T-buffer, Hardware T&L, Curved Surfaces, Full Pixel Shader, Quad texturing Photorealisitic rendering, Photoshop effects H2 2000
(ECTS at September, available in December)

Middle Level Rampage Configuration:
4 way SLI (2 Rampage chips and 2 T&L units)
32-512 MB memory support (200MHz DDR)
12.8GB/sec memory bandwidth
1.6Gigapixel fill rate (core clock at 200MHZ)
150 million triangles/polygons per second

High End Level Rampage Configuration:
8 way SLI (4 Rampage chips and 4 T&L units)
32-512 MB memory support (200MHz DDR)
25.6GB/sec memory bandwidth
3.2Gigapixel fill rate (core clock at 200MHZ)
300 million triangles/polygons per second

I think if they can release there entry level board at $250, they will be able to compete with Nvidia.


Dec 31, 2007
tragically it now seems this is true. In a way its good, it serves them right for releasing shoddy/out of date products after having such a market lead. Although i love nvidia a lot they can still become too powerful and then innovation slows down/stops. Lets hope that ATi and Nvidia get a war going like AMD vs Intel to really make our (i wonder if this is a dream...) 512MB video cards a reality. Anyway i cant wait to see the power on a Geforce 3 128MB Card.

Please dont hurt me.....please


Dec 31, 2007
tragically it now seems this is true. In a way its good, it serves them right for releasing shoddy/out of date products after having such a market lead. Although i love nvidia a lot they can still become too powerful and then innovation slows down/stops. Lets hope that ATi and Nvidia get a war going like AMD vs Intel to really make our (i wonder if this is a dream...) 512MB video cards a reality. Anyway i cant wait to see the power on a Geforce 3 128MB Card. The other thing is as i write this i remember a fact for the first time nvidia have overtaken ATi as the main video chip manufacturer it was something like Nvidia=43% market share and ATi=38% . Go Nvidia!!! (but what does this leave for poor 3dfx?

Please dont hurt me.....please