rolandzhang3 :
smeezekitty :
Stand aside for a record low:
[smeezekitty] - [Core 2 Duo E6700 @ 2.66] - [Radeon 6670 @ 800 / 667] - [614]
On a side note, since 3dmark is installed on a USB 2.0 hdd, it took a whopping 30 minutes(!) for the firestrike test to load
[smeezekitty] - [Core 2 Duo E6700 @ 2.66] - [Radeon 6670 @ 800 / 667] - [614]
On a side note, since 3dmark is installed on a USB 2.0 hdd, it took a whopping 30 minutes(!) for the firestrike test to load
High five for below a 1000 score 😀
the sad part is if i ran this on my mac yours would be a lot better
Mac Specs:
dual core i5 @ 2.66GHz
4gb 1066MHz
256mbs-64bits VRAM
mobo bus speed 1.3GHz
oh did mention that it is also made in early 2009 and it was top of the line back then; i want it to die but it wont its a mac after all it will last until it meets mister sledge hammer which will be soon