Question 3rd gen ryzen, poor performance? Am I just bad, or should I just switch to intel?

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Aug 13, 2019
So after wanting to upgrade for the longest time ever my friends suggested to wait cause AMD has new CPUs that are constantly out of stock, I finally manage to snag a 3800x. and after installing everything, I was very disappointed to notice that alot of my games run worse than my previous build. Almost as if I downgraded. was I shopping into the wrong audience? Because I almost exclusively play fps games, and frame rates are very important to me.

Its weird, cause the CPU runs some of my games phenomenally and others (mostly big map games) the frame rate is all over the place.
My goal with this build was trying to stream or use shadowplay with zero drops or performance impact. No delay or anything I'd have problems with. Yet I get drops more often and more horrible than before.

My old build was
CPU- Intel i7 4970k
MOBO- MSI B85-G41 PC Mate, really shit mobo not that important
RAM- Vengance corsair RAM DDR3 1600MHz Quad Channel 16gb
GPU- Gtx 1070
PSU- evga supernova 850 watt battery,
h80i corsair water cooler

I only changed the MOBO, the RAM, and the CPU. Everything else is reused.
MOBO MSI MPG X570 Gaming PRo Carbon WIFI
CPU Ryzen 7 3800x
RAM g.skill FlareX DDR4 3200MHz 16gb dual channel

You would think that with a better cpu my games would run better at least, but no. I experience more detrimental drops. Again this mostly happens in areas with big maps. I mostly play fps, the games that I tested this build on was DOOM 2016, Wolfenstein 2 The New colossus, and APEX legends. In all of these games, the frame rate is fine in enclosed areas. I hit 144+ with ease. Going outside however where the skybox is visable and their is open terrain and alot to deal with. It dips hard, and it's really annoying cause my old build ran these games just fine.

Is it something to do with optimization? does windows 10 just not like this cpu yet? is there a driver that I need to install for AMD's Ryzen? I already installed geforce for my nvidia card, how is that not enough? Does ryzen just not like Nvidia cards? Do i have to buy a radeon or an rtx or something?
If the later is true I might as well just switch to intel and get a i9, because this is really disappointing.

Note: I have noticed that my dips mostly occurred when my gpu is at 100% via my task manager. This never happened when I was on intel, and yet it ran my games perfectly fine. 144+ with little to no dips or problems, or screwing over my GPU. The only reason I wanted to upgrade was because my shitty quad core cpu was horrible at multitasking. I have a friend that owns a 1080 who also runs a ryzen build and he is suffering from the same problems. I watched the benchmarks for the 2080 and they are also just as bad.

Although if there is a fix, or something I should be considering. It would be nice to know.
Try Ryzen balanced power plan but force minimum cpu state to 50%, see where that gets you. I'm guessing here, since Ryzen has so many threads/resources, sections of the cpu may get lazy and cause higher latencies. Kind of like core parking. Im not sure on this, think Ryzen performs better on balanced with a set min cpu state as appose to high performance.

Have you installed the latest chipset drivers? They'll continue to be updated and have read a lot of problems are being addressed and also via bios updates as well.

Your old i7 was no slouch albeit your new system should be at least on par in regards to raw fps output.
yeha I reinstalled the OS, I don't think i can run a intel version of windows on ryzen. I \don't know how to install the latest version of bios, I'm a noob. And I woudln't possibly know how to do that balance power thing
but I'll look aroudn for that "chip set" driver or whatever.

In terms of drivers, all I've updated was geforce, logitech, corsair Icue and windows.
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Youtube has many vids about Ryzen balance plan and also minimum/maximum cpu state. The search results are immediate.

There is no such thing as an Intel version of Windows.

Chipset driver and bios file mind you is located at your motherboard's website driver page. Regarding bios updating, the procedure is explained in the mobo manual. All it is, is put bios rom file on a usb stick (fat32 formatted), boot to bios and in there somewhere will be an option to update bios which you direct it to the usb stick to upload the new bios. Youtube have videos on bios updating as well. 😊
Alright, So I haven't been able to find as many balance ryzen stuff. I found a few overclock tutorials on youtube, but if you found anything I'd like some links. Anyways so in my digging I guess I'm supposed to go to edit power plan, balance power saver, and change the min/max cpu values to 50%. I tried a bit of experimentation, yeah the cpu doesn't like to be at less than 50% or even at 100. It performs best at 50%. Yet despite this, It's still not enough.

The balance values for ryzen or whatever it is, apparently was integrated into Ryzen master. A all in one program that was made for perhaps quality of life reasons. Maybe I should just wait for a bit longer as AMD will update their drivers and eventually get things rolling but, sadly I'm still unable to hit a constant 144. I'm using apex legends and wolfenstein 2 as my main benchmarks. The frames still dip in the intense areas of these games.

I considered overclocking somewhat using the ryzen master and it's still a bit of a train wreck. Instead of dropping down the the even 100s, I still sometimes drop to the 120s with the overclock on. It's really disappointing.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or I'm forgetting something. Maybe my cpu doesn't like to be OC while my ram and gpu are also being over heated, it explains why my pc is turning into an oven as I play my games.
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