4:3 OLED TVs: A Win For All

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Oct 11, 2009
Anyone owning or planning to own an OLED TV surely appreciates their uniquely stunning black level performance, a must for noir genre movie fans. On a related topic, perhaps 55% or more of your favorites were probably shot in 1.85:1 aspect, so the horizontal bars you see shouldn’t be too thick on your standard 16:9 OLED. Some recent movies and some old classics like “2001: A Space Odyssey”, “Sound of Music”, “Three Women”, “Ben Hur” and “Hud” were shot in 2.35: 1. Consequently, they will all have thicker horizontal bars. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspect_ratio_(image)

Everyone hates bars but it’s much worse for many cinephiles like me who also enjoy movies released prior to the mid-50s. Many of those, both “A” and “B” pictures, were filmed in 1.37:1 aspect, such as

Ditto for decades of vintage TV shows from the early 60s (Perry Mason) to the mid-90s (X-Files).

Try watching any of it even on a 77” OLED. If you’re like me the vertical bars, which will be even thicker than horizontal bars when viewing most widescreen aspect content, will be unbearable. And stretching Perry Mason or cropping Gilda’s (or Scully’s) matador hat is unthinkable. Consequently, many of us are compelled to watch this “pillarboxed” 4:3 content on CRT TVs. Picture quality is not too bad and CRTs have excellent OLED-like contrast ratio. But except for a 40” direct view CRT which Sony once released about 17” years ago, virtually all CRTs are a painfully small 32”, less than half the area of 65” widescreen TVs. And the best of performing CRTs (flat CR tube. component video inputs) are becoming impossible to find, and to get serviced. The same for refrigerator sized rear projection CRTs, which while some had 50” screens picture quality couldn’t match that of direct view CRTs. And though direct view projectors can deliver high contrast ratios and large 4:3 images many of the better models cost at least $5,000. and may present placement problems for some users.

The obvious solution here to persuade select TV brands to market a 4:3 OLED TV, size ~ 40” to 50”.

Unfortunately, as much of the CE industry is closely tied to Hollywood, it’s not surprising that cutthroat aspects of that business reflect indifference towards consumer opinions and expectations, at least among the major TV brands, all of whom no longer accept consumer feedback at their websites. Indeed, “apparent” demand might have grown substantially larger if cinephiles hadn’t given up in disgust with asking OLED brands to release 4:3 TVs. Again, except for perhaps Pioneer, most of the majors are deaf to consumer requests, save perhaps from what they glean from their own prognostications. And try finding their marketing VPs’ contact info to share new product ideas; good luck with that.

However, I am about to begin proposing this new product to several other approachable brands .

While demand for a 4:3 OLED may not be huge it is certainly vibrant and long lived. https://www.avsforum.com/forum/40-o...isplay-watching-old-tv-shows-stuff-4-3-a.html

Additionally, there still are communities at AVS and at other home theater forums devoted to long defunct direct view CRT TVs, of course which are almost exclusively 4;3. https://www.avsforum.com/forum/64-direct-view-single-tube-crt-displays/ And here only two months ago members are still calling to bring CRTs back into production,
as they have for years. https://www.avsforum.com/forum/64-d...back-crt-tv-s-into-production-line-again.html

It’s also well known among videophiles that CRTs, plasmas and OLEDs share very similar performance levels-unmatched by any existing display technology. But as Anthony1 from the first AVS link above suggested, many CRT fans would instantly embrace a space saving flat panel 40” or larger 4:3 OLED TV.

A good sized 4:3 OLED is the way to go-and ideally with a processor at least nearly as good as Sony’s to upscale DVD and BD content.

Analog Video Connectivity: A Must for the 4:3 OLED

Whatever the reasons for the CE industry’s imposed Analog Sunset, it unfairly deprives cinephiles of enjoying their feature packed Denon, Marantz, Pioneer and other high end DVD players. Sony includes one (1) composite input, though most inconveniently placed on the side of their A9G OLED (presumably just for camcorder playbacks)-but which is unsightly and would require longer cable runs from the TV to the DVD player.

But all high end DVD players have component video outputs. And as that connection yields the highest quality analog signal it likely will make it easier for the OLED’s processor to upscale the DVD video signal.

Furthermore, virtually no currently produced BD players have zoom control-a highly prized viewing tool among cinephiles. I was badly upset that my otherwise excellent Oppo BDP-95 has only partial zoom control; it doesn’t allow you to reposition and center a desired part of the zoomed image on the screen. My new Pioneer UDP-LX500 BD player and the discontinued Arcam 411p are about the only BD players which can. But virtually all DVD players have this advanced zoom control functionality, like my trusty JVC

Cinephiles have long been victimized by the Blu-Ray Assn for mandating Oracle’s BD-J disc authoring-which by default or deliberately locks out zoom and sometimes also slow motion features-and forces compliance upon BD player brands. But all DVDs are free of these oppressive restrictions that rob consumers of the freedom to enjoy as they please the products they purchase. Advanced zoom and slow motion controls are invaluable viewing tools allowing cinephiles more intimate viewing and appreciation of select scenes. https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?p=17681489#post17681489

Sadly, few if any DVD players have an HDMI output. Thus, all OLED TVs should include component video inputs-or at the very least a rear mounted composite and/or S-video input. Indeed, all OLED TV brands can be assured that adding this analog video connectivity to the proposed 4:3 OLED will further endear this long awaited niche product to the home theater enthusiast community.

Pixel Count and DVD/BD Upscaling

All currently produced OLED TVs have 4K resolution; the pixel count being roughly four times that of the LCD or LED panels used to build earlier 1080p displays. So unless the 4:3 OLED TV has a high quality on board upscaling processor-like the one in Sony’s A9G OLED-the 1080p BD or 480i DVD content displayed on 4K OLED panels may likely fill only a small part of the screen. Alternately, it’s worth considering that while these processors generally do a good job, since most users would only be watching 4:3 content on a this 4:3 display, if it was instead a 1080 rather 4K OLED, BDs would be shown in their native 1080p scale; only DVDs would need to be upscaled. Of course, there currently are no consumer OLED brands making 4:3 OLEDs, nor are there any 1080 widescreen OLEDs.

Ultimately, only each TV brand would know how the economics of OLED panels with 1080 vs. 4K pixel counts would impact their own production of 4:3 OLED TVs. But if they stay with 4K pixels, Pioneer or those brands below should aim to design the 40” to 50” 4K 4:3 TV’s OLED TV around the best upscaling processor within the niche market price point, perhaps ~$2200. or so. The high quality upscaling of 1080p BDs and DVDs (source formats still probably most common among collectors of vintage movies and TV shows) will allow viewers to sit at a comfortable distance.
Subject: 4:3 OLED TVs: A Win For All, Part 2 of 5

Fortunately, as OLED technology has now matured the overall cost of making these TVs today has fallen substantially, thus volume sales risks versus tooling costs may be comfortably low-even when marketing lower volume 4K 4:3 OLED TVs with advanced upscaling, the same full featured remotes found in popular 16:9 widescreen OLEDs-and the added component video inputs.

Regarding assembly parts, though LG is likely still the sole supplier of OLED panels this firm may be helpful in getting 4:3 TVs built as cheaply as possible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Display_Corporation

And there are now numerous OLED panel fabricators. Perhaps these and others are supplying the Chinese OLED TV brands listed below-those which may already be selling OLED TVs in North America.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_...anufacturers#List_of_OLED_panel_manufacturers https://www.oled-info.com/companies-list/oled-display-producers

Again, regarding demand, even if there are conservatively just ~ 10,000 members among the most prominent home theater forums expressing interest in owning 4:3 OLEDs, the number of consumers actually wanting one could be well beyond 10 to 50 times as much. Demand could easily be tested with runs of 7,000 units or so. And if Pioneer or Chinese brand OLEDs can perform nearly as good as Sony and LG models, and/or for a somewhat lower price, sales may grow even higher.

Finally, given the still extant global pandemic lockdown with so many people staying close to home, a 40” or larger 4:3 OLED will make big chunks of one’s vintage personal movie and TV collection look their best.

I will first be approaching Pioneer, as I especially hope it will be they who agree to market this product. Though no longer making TVs, their UDP-LX500, which I purchased last week, is arguably the best full featured BD player in its price class.
I am trying to interest members who might like to better enjoy watching their 4: 3 content to make 4:3 OLED TVs happen. Unfortunately, the posting formats here prevent me from posting the rest of my text.
They said it looks "spam-like". And maybe too many urls-but I NEED to post those for folks here to send feedback to those OLED brands. I had the same problem at anandtech's forum. But I don't have a whole lot of text left to post here anyway. But without those urls I just wasted a lot of time.
They said it looks "spam-like". And maybe too many urls-but I NEED to post those for folks here to send feedback to those OLED brands. I had the same problem at anandtech's forum.
It does appear spammy, TBH. This is likely a matter of the spam filtering of the site's underlying software (AnandTech uses the same software as TH).

I see your point (from above), but don't see a large market for a 4:3 product. Just my $0.02.
If you read at least what I was able to post here, I conceded that there isn't a LARGE market for 4:3 OLED TVs. It would be a niche product. As such it might be somewhat pricey to make them but Pioneer in particular may cater to that market. Indeed, that LX500 BD player is probably the only high end piece of A/V hardware they offer these days. But given the performance levels of their previous Kuro plasmas-AND the fact they did have a small OLED division-Pioneer would be a prime target to pitch this idea. If Pioneer’s 4:3 OLEDs were to impress like their Kuro plasmas had for years they may literally corner the market. Depending on Pioneer’s interest will I decide on approaching several Chinese OLED TV brands which now or soon will be serving the US market. https://www.cnet.com/news/ces-2020-chinese-tv-giant-skyworth-goes-big-to-enter-us-market/
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Bottom Line: If you don’t ask you don’t get. So for those who have long awaited 4:3 OLEDs
please express your requests at the feedback/contact pages of the above brands’ websites.

But for the reasons given, please begin with Pioneer.

And please be sure to also your interest for 4:3 OLEDs-and what you’re doing to make them
happen-at bestbuy forum, hometheaterforum.com, AVSforum.doc, CNET.com, AVforums.com, Blu-Rayforum.com, et al.

Please do it today!

DISCLAIMER: Though it would be nice to receive credit for helping to make 4:3 OLED TVs a reality, I am in no way seeking any kind of monetary compensation, nor am I employed by the CE industry. For me, it’s all about the joys of home theater.
If you read at least what I was able to post here, I conceded that there isn't a LARGE market for 4:3 OLED TVs. It would be a niche product. As such it might be somewhat pricey to make them but Pioneer in particular may cater to that market. Indeed, that LX500 BD player is probably the only high end piece of A/V hardware they offer these days. But given the performance levels of their previous Kuro plasmas-AND the fact they did have a small OLED division-Pioneer would be a prime target to pitch this idea. If Pioneer’s 4:3 OLEDs were to impress like their Kuro plasmas had for years they may literally corner the market. Depending on Pioneer’s interest will I decide on approaching several Chinese OLED TV brands which now or soon will be serving the US market. https://www.cnet.com/news/ces-2020-chinese-tv-giant-skyworth-goes-big-to-enter-us-market/
Good luck. I agree, this would likely cater to a very niche market. That alone will make it unlikely for any OEM to set up a production line for such a product. Just something to consider.
Good luck. I agree, this would likely cater to a very niche market. That alone will make it unlikely for any OEM to set up a production line for such a product. Just something to consider.
This is one of several reasons why I’ll be first making the pitch to Pioneer. Many other famous Japanese brands collapsed during A/V industry downturn, https://webcache.googleusercontent....anese-audio-legends+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Pioneer is struggling but is not without potent marketing strategies to rebuild its relevance in consumer electronics, which includes design services for car makers for automated driving systems.

And unlike many famous Japanese brands who died and were resurrected (though sometimes merely in name only), Pioneer retained much of their original engineering staff, and do their own R & D. Car audio’s not my thing but they take it very seriously.

I’m hoping that Pioneer’s marketing director will look upon 4:3 OLED TVs as not just another niche product but a long awaited solution that elegantly solves several important problems at once, as discussed here. https://www.filmscoremonthly.com/bo...671&forumID=1&archive=0&pageID=1&r=614#bottom

And if designed and built to the standards of Kuro plasmas and the LX500 BD player, Pioneer could well corner the market here, and thereby further help keep the company out of receivership. It would be tragic for a brand like Pioneer to die, or to exit the higher end HT products line.
Why would you want a TV that is going to have wide black bars, top and bottom, on almost everything you watch, just so you don't have black bars at the sides on a few old films and tv series? One of the daftest ideas, I have read in a Forum, in many years.
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Why would you want a TV that is going to have wide black bars, top and bottom, on almost everything you watch, just so you don't have black bars at the sides on a few old films and tv series? One of the daftest ideas, I have read in a Forum, in many years.
Holy Cinemascope, how much clearer can I make it?!

First, I dare say that besides myself there are many, even some younger than 50, who have collections with lots of 4:3 content, so at least for us owning a 4:3 OLED TV would be quite cost effective on that score alone.

The way it’s done is simply to have TWO TVs, your widescreen OLED in one room and this 4:3 OLED in another room. Again, it’s not really any different than what lots of audiophiles do who enjoy listening to different kinds of speakers; they may have one pair of hybrid horn speakers driven by a 300B SET amp in one room and pair of Quad electrostats or Pure Audio Project open baffles set up in another room. Indeed, as you may be aware, many do this because they find that some recordings sound better on different speakers for many reasons. Likewise, when you want to watch TV episodes from the 50s thru the early 90s or one those movie titles I listed from imdb.com, then you watch it on the 4:3 OLED. At other times, if you want to see a recent TV show or just about any movie made after 1960, then you head for the 16:9 OLED TV room. This way all bars will be minimized or even eliminated no matter what you choose to watch.

Furthermore, by using these two different OLEDs you will be minimizing both pixel aging differentials-due to and overall aging of pixels, along with the rest of the TVs electronics in both TVs. That is, the owners manuals from Sony, LG and all OLED TV brands literally warn you not to watch 4:3 content at all, because the thicker the bars the more pixels inside them will be turned off, versus those turned on between the bars. Thus, over time the pixels between the bars will age and grow dimmer faster then those within the vertical bars-which may become more evident when watching widescreen content. And among all aspect ratios that will have the thicker bars, 4:3 content is the most common.

Thus, the best solution is for users to purchase a 4:3 OLED. Viewing 4:3 and 16:9 movies and TV shows on their 4:3 and widescreen OLED TVs, respectively, will minimize differential pixel aging, and also minimize overall burn-in risks, while viewers enjoy smaller horizontal and no vertical bars on all content.
2 different media rooms, 1 with a widescreen and 1 with a 4:3?
(and 2 speaker setups, receivers, comfortable furniture, etc, etc)
That's a pretty tiny market.

My 1800 sq ft house certainly doesn't have space for that.

I daresay...if 4:3 screens, OLED or otherwise, were a good profit mechanism...we'd be seeing some.
I can't speak for everyone, of course, but I've never seen the black bars on the left and right to be the slightest bit of a problem for me. Yes, it's odd for maybe the first minute, but then I stop noticing.

Even outside of movies, having my old Atari 2600 hooked up to a modern 1920x1080 60" TV, the games were taking up the full vertical size of the screen, and centered horizontally in the screen, sized proportionally. The black bars on the side didn't at all interfere with my enjoyment.
2 different media rooms, 1 with a widescreen and 1 with a 4:3? (and 2 speaker setups, receivers, comfortable furniture, etc, etc) That's a pretty tiny market. My 1800 sq ft house certainly doesn't have space for that. I daresay...if 4:3 screens, OLED or otherwise, were a good profit mechanism ....we'd be seeing some.
First, there’s no law saying that one needs to install anywhere near SOTA audio gear with either TV. Again, as I had pointed out, since most 4:3 content have only mono or stereo audio all one needs for that TV is a good two channel system. And most of us here with some years of experience in evaluating and buying hardware can put something very nice together without breaking the bank. That in turn leaves many enthusiasts (and which we are here, yes?) with more audio hardware funds to rightly spend on the widescreen TV, as virtually all of such content have DTS MA and/or other 24 bit multichannel formats.

As for adequate space, until I retire in a few years and buy my dream house (?), it’s just my cat and i in this stifling 1100 sq ft Long Island co-op. But even we have space in the other bedroom for the 4:3 OLED TV system.
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The only way a company would work on a 4:3 TV now would be through kickstarter or something similar where they money for building them is already there from the fans that want one. I don't see any product manager that wants to keep his job try to get one built using company funds.
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The only way a company would work on a 4:3 TV now would be through kickstarter or something similar where they money for building them is already there from the fans that want one. I don't see any product manager that wants to keep his job try to get one built using company funds.
Yes, I thought of using investment devices like this for a limited demand movie soundtrack CD album release I have in mind. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kickstarter But for this kind of project the risks likely be too great. It’s a shame because though built in relatively tiny quantities-compared to Sony and Samsung unit volumes-potential demand (via short banner ads at forums like these) could be in the many thousands worldwide, particularly because 4:3 is making a strong comeback among photographers and movie directors. https://noamkroll.com/why-the-old-school-43-aspect-ratio-is-coming-back-with-a-vengeance-right-now/ Indeed, both cinephiles and creators would likely want to view such content as the DPs intended them to be seen. It would also be cool if such TVs could actually be built in places like Brooklyn and Long Island, where many 4:3 CRT TVs where built during the early days of TV. OTOH, the marketing and manufacturing practices of the newer Chinese-based OLED brands might be good fits for small production runs.

It certainly can’t hurt ask.

Btw, I also should have added that while vertical bars seriously bother me the horizontal bars with 1.85:1 content do also, but no where near as much. Perhaps I’m in the minority here though as I pointed out in my first post I am not completely alone in this.

As you may have imagined, long before I thought of pitching this ~ 50” 4:3 OLED TV idea to Pioneer and those Chinese OLED Brands, I had hoped a front view projector would be the best solution. Sadly, though my room is nearly empty it’s a ridiculously small 11.5 x 10.5, and I’d have to place the projector either on a desk inside of an open closet or suspended from a metal grille shelf across the interior length of the closet. But if I can find the right kind of bracket, the latter placement idea should best minimize heat and fan noise-which are likely the biggest problems.

Save for a 25 watt red transparent bulb in a gooseneck lamp aimed away from the screen and projector beam, and which I may only use occasionally, the room should quite be dark, so the projector’s eco-mode will always left on. That should reduce brightness with no sacrifice of contrast ratio and reduce heat thereby less fan noise and longer bulb life. However, with the ~ 65” 4:3 screen in a corner 10 ft from the lens and with me sitting just outside and to the right of the closet, the issues will still be tolerable fan noise levels and how much visible distortion from however much needed keystoning.

I will post my situation at projector at https://www.avsforum.com/forum/24-digital-hi-end-projectors-3-000-usd-msrp/ and http://www.bigscreenforums.com/forum_browse.cfm?which=5 and then maybe consult a local CEDIA contractor. https://cedia.net/homeowners/why-use-a-cedia-member

The noise and heat may be tough nuts to crack in my tiny room, but with my low brightness, modest screen size and 1080p rather than 4K requirements I’m hoping these experts can suggest projector and screen models with noise levels ~ 19db or less within my price range.

Ultimately, however, since we film noir fans live for high contrast ratio and black levels, despite all the above considerations, is there a projector and screen for my situation that will truly deliver OLED/CRT like performance?

Also, rather than use a Sony OLED TV for web surfing and word processing sessions, I had hoped to use the projector for these tasks. But unless the projector’s eco-mode and my room’s very low ambient light can keep brightness down to a bare minimum, I suspect the experts will advise against this practice.

All I can do is to ask the experts and hope for the best.
DIY 45" 4:3 OLED Television Tutorial

1) Cut 36x27" hole in wall.

2) Install 55" 16:9 OLED screen behind hole.

3) Enjoy borderless 4:3 OLED television-viewing experience!
Very funny but to gain 4" more than my 32" 4:3 CRT hardly cost effective. And what's really obnoxious is that there's a lot more people than you and the CE brands care to acknowledge who would very likely buy ~50" 4:3 OLED TVs, if any of the OLED brands-including Chinese ones like Konka, Hisense and Skyworth-actually marketed any. There's at least four niche market sectors for these TVs: Gamers who have long been compelled to hunt for used CRTs and harder to find larger but poorly performing 4:3 plasma models; cinephiles (like me) of vintage pre-1953 movies and pre-1995 TV shows and photographers (pro and amateur) and Hollywood movie directors (e.g. Spike Lee’s “Da 5 Bloods”) who often shoot in the 1.33:1 aspect ratio.

Last but hardly least, if enthusiasts like us, who frequently use more than one room for their HT needs, dedicated a room to install a 4:3 OLED, they could then not only view their 1.33:1 content in full screen with no black vertical bars but their 16:9 OLED would thereby never be at risk from differential aging.

Searching [ 4:3 making a comeback ] reveals a lot more than a vague inconsequential consumer and rofessional interest in 4:3 displays.

Frankly speaking, CE and industrial display brands’ bean counting attitude has long been indifferent to consumer product opinions while blinding them to the true market potential of a new product many consumers have complained should have been available long ago.

Indeed, whichever brand jumped to make a quality ~ 50” 4:3 1080p and/or upscaling 4K OLED TV will likely corner the entire world market-which given the abovementioned multiple “mini niche” consumer and/or professional sector demand is bound to be something between 300,000 and a million, or better. That may or may not impress giants like Sony and LG, or even the big Chinese brands (e.g. Konka, Hisense, Skyworth) trying to break into the North Am markets. But if I had ample funds and the right production and marketing staff I’d be producing 4:3 OLED TVs, from right here on Long Island.
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The reason gamers may want a CRT is not due to the 4:3 aspect ratio but the other benefit of CRT technology, namely great scaling with resolution and low response times, but with 1ms displays with 120-240 hz refresh rates even that benefit is not a good pick past just wanting something "classic". The simple fact is that you can easily watch any format on a wide-screen TV and that the bars don't bother most people, it's a very tiny annoyance. And just blocking off the sides with curtains or a box is a very simple and effective solution. But if you want to enter the market for square displays now, feel free to do so, it won't do anything horrible to the ozone layer or kill baby seals, at worst you will loose a bunch of money and at best you will earn a bunch of money as all the people looking for such displays buy them.
The reason gamers may want a CRT is not due to the 4:3 aspect ratio but the other benefit of CRT technology, namely great scaling with resolution and low response times, but with 1ms displays with 120-240 hz refresh rates even that benefit is not a good pick past just wanting something "classic". The simple fact is that you can easily watch any format on a wide-screen TV and that the bars don't bother most people, it's a very tiny annoyance. And just blocking off the sides with curtains or a box is a very simple and effective solution.
I see your point about CRTs being only a partially good choice for gamers. And not being a gamer I wasn't aware that most games are formatted for 16:9 screens.

But for my own needs I would hardly have wasted lots of time advocating release of 4:3 OLEDs at numerous forums, OLED TV brand feedback webpages and at A/V hardware review magazines if my brain were capable of processing 1.33:1 images on 16:9 displays like most "normal" brains apparently can, without annoyance or fatigue. As I've stated on this thread and/or elsewhere, to my eyes, watching vintage 1.33:1 movies (e.g. "Gilda", "Double Indemnity") or TV shows on 16:9 screens literally feels stifling while also appearing cheap and slapdash-yet the sensation is no where near as bad when I watch 1.85:1 or even 2.35:1 aspect movies on a 4:3 TV.

And cinephiles should have the option to buy the kind of OLED TV which doesn't force them to sacrifice content by cropping or stretching a 1:33:1 image to fill in vertical bars, as they would have to do with 16:9 displays.

As for the silly "draping" solution, I would be gaining only another 4" up from my 32" Toshiba CRT. And watching as much 1.33:1 content as I do will still cause the pixel differential aging which LOTS of 16:9 OLED TV owners are rightly concerned about.

How much more sensible to simply own a second TV in another room-an OLED TV with a native aspect ratio which will therefore solve all of these problems simply and naturally.
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