bydesign :
What is the 8Gb of RAM for? He will never use much more than 2Gb. A trader machine shouldn't cost much over $1000K. In fact buy a tower Dell and add the multi display solution and you may come in under $1K.
He may decide to use Vista. We do not know. Regardless, I would not buy a new Windows-based PC for a professional application and only put 2GB of RAM in it...unless I was dead set on Windows XP 32-bit and fiscally limited.
A 6-monitor desktop with high resolutions can take some RAM, its not all off-loaded to the video cards. I'd recommend he go 64-bit something and get more than enough RAM. RAM is cheap, there's not benefit to limiting himself. He's willing to spend $4K on a top-of-the-line PC.
It seems like the F-41X from TradingComputers.Com might be close to the kind of power the customer WANTS, once customized. It may be more than he needs, but he's not limited to just what he needs, thankfully.
I know that if I asked someone to build me a computer and they gave me one with 2GB of RAM back I'd not be too impressed. If I told someone I had a budget of $4K for a super strong machine and asked them to build me a high-end rig and came back with a $1000 build, I'd be skeptical and unimpressed...unless the $1K machine offered the same or superior performance to to the $4K machine.
Everyone doesn't want an Econo or even Mid-Range build. Some people want the high-end, especially those with $$$$, just because its the high-end.
I wouldn't be surprised if the customer can partially, or even totally, write-off this equipment on their taxes.