Question 4090 Brands Suggests Msi Asus Gigabyte

Dec 29, 2022
Hi there I’m looking for a 4090 but struggling to choosing brand.
Msi Suprim X
Asus Tuf Oc
Gigabyte Gaming Oc
Which one should I choose?
Power limits don't matter in rtx 40 series. You're voltage locked at 1.1 volts. Even if you set our power limit to max , you will hit your voltage limit way before you can reach the "magical 600w". You will cap out at around 2.9 most of the time and 3 ghz with an overclock at around 470w. Id say just get the cheapest one you can find that has good warranty and temps. Gigabyte has the coolest memory and core hotspot temps. Per Hardware unboxed review. I have the 4090 Aorus Master. No complaints as of yet. The only thing with gigabyte is their abysmally slow rma. I sent my 3090 in fo rma back in when new world mmo was burning cards. They didn't have any in stock and they made me wait almost a month just to tell me, hey we will give you a refund since were out of stock.
I would go either with MSI or ASUS in general .From the list in your post I would go with the MSI Suprim. It's the top model of MSI lineup when it comes to cooling and components used. The ASUS TUF is more ASUS's mainstream card. But the TUF is still a good cards. If you want the ASUS suprim equivalent you want to look at the STRIX. But cards of both companies are usually build very well and the performance, thermals, temps are very similar, you can basically decide by budget and optics/design preference. If I would have to pick one, I would probably go with the cheapest cards of those two companies, I can get my hands on.
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I run the gigabyte OC myself, no issues other than its the biggest of the cards. Had no issues fitting in my old case Entho Pro and no issues fitting it in my G500A mounting it in either direction. I do know its a squeeze in a HYTE Y60 and up against the glass. Thermal wise playing CoD and Forza horizon temps never exceed 61C stock clock and timespy score is usually 36400+ for the gpu. Either card you choose you're going to be more than satisfied :)
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Brands are meaningless. As long as you recognise the brand-name, they'll have been making cards for decades. These are the nVidia brands that you can immediately trust:


Any of those brands will be just fine. Use whichever gives you the best price.
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