[40k] [fluff] Crux Terminatus



Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

Is there actually fluff covering the meaning of the Crux Terminatus?

I bought a couple of the FW symbols in order to decorate a titan, with the
view of trimming the skull from the four pronged back plate, but now that
I've got them, they look and fit really well on the titan. Would a Crux
Terminatus in it's complete form be out of place on a titan?
If so, why?
Jon Hedge,
"The chances are, I said it in jest."

RGMW FAQ @ http://www.rgmw.org


Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

"Jon Hedge" <ihug.com.au@dopefish> wrote in message

> Is there actually fluff covering the meaning of the Crux Terminatus?

yeah, it's an honor badge carved from sacred stone and (supposedly)
incorporating a fragment of the emperor's own armor that he was wearing when
he died.

> Would a Crux Terminatus in it's complete form be out of place on a titan?

well in background terms yes, but if you really like it you should do
whatever you want. there are also plenty of generic imperial decorations
which are similar in appearance, anyway (although I'd expect the adeptus
titanicus to use their own honors mostly).

> If so, why?

'cos they're basically the honor decoration of a space marine terminator, I
suppose. the space marines would probably take a very dim view of anyone
counterfeiting them. the story is that one of the emperor's last decrees
was that they be made and worn by terminators in recognition of the part
they played in the final attack on horus' flagship (I think this was the
reason they changed the original story, so that the emperor's boarding party
was made up entirely of elite terminators from the 3 chapters defending


Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

"Jon Hedge" <ihug.com.au@dopefish> wrote in message
> Is there actually fluff covering the meaning of the Crux Terminatus?
> I bought a couple of the FW symbols in order to decorate a titan, with the
> view of trimming the skull from the four pronged back plate, but now that
> I've got them, they look and fit really well on the titan. Would a Crux
> Terminatus in it's complete form be out of place on a titan?
> If so, why?
> --
> Jon Hedge,
> "The chances are, I said it in jest."
> RGMW FAQ @ http://www.rgmw.org

There is a paragraph on it in the 2nd edition Ultramarines Codex (page 23).

as for your other questions...I'm not sure.

ISBN# for the codex is: 1 872372 87 2


Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

"Jon Hedge" <ihug.com.au@dopefish> wrote in message
> Is there actually fluff covering the meaning of the Crux Terminatus?

Yes, all over the place. Virtually any marine codex has info on it, as does
the last WD and Insignum Astartes. Its an honour badge for Space Marines
who wear, or have worn Terminator Armour.

Would a Crux
> Terminatus in it's complete form be out of place on a titan?
> If so, why?

For the above reasons. Its for marines only, really.
