[40k] Genestealer Cult = Witch Hunters Proxy Army



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I purchased the Witch Hunters Codex with a view to using the Adversaries
lists for my Genestealer Cult, but instead played around with the idea of
making an army from the core Witch Hunter's list (There's a certain irony in
it that appeals to my geekiness.)

For your review and advice, I present to you a quick sketch of the army
list. Not all units have been used, and likewise not all upgrades should be
available (although a cult can be resourceful with its infiltration of


Inquisitor Lord + Retinue = Magus + Retinue (Genestealer familiars =
Cherubs. Finally found a use for them!)
Adepta Sororitas Heroine = Hybrid Hierarch
Priests = Preachers


Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor = ?
Arco-flagellants = Genestealers (A shame the squad size is so small)
Celestian Squad = Veterans don't really work in a GeneCult - Perhaps as a
task team, or N/A
Sister Repentia = Hack'n'Slash Brood Brother Devotees
Officio Assassinorum Operative = N/A (I am tempted to suggest a Patriarch as
a Culexus, though)
Death Cult Assassins = ? Might be N/A, but it would be nice to have
something lurking.


Battle Sisters = Hybrids (In power-armour? Must just be thick skinned!)
Storm Troopers = Corrupt Adeptus Arbites


Seraphim Squad = Jetpack Hybrids? :D
Dominion Squad = Perhaps N/A - Could be Hybrids


Retributor Squad = Hybrid Heavy weapon teams
Assorted Tanks = Assorted Tanks
Penitent Engines = Only because I don't want my sentinel models to go to
waste :p
Orbital Strike = A series of pre-planted bombs to prevent attacks

Jon Hedge,
"The chances are, I said it in jest."

RGMW FAQ @ http://www.rgmw.org


Jan 18, 2002
Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

Jon Hedge wrote:
> I purchased the Witch Hunters Codex with a view to using the Adversaries
> lists for my Genestealer Cult, but instead played around with the idea of
> making an army from the core Witch Hunter's list (There's a certain irony in
> it that appeals to my geekiness.)
> For your review and advice, I present to you a quick sketch of the army
> list. Not all units have been used, and likewise not all upgrades should be
> available (although a cult can be resourceful with its infiltration of
> barracks)

I don't know Genestealers very well, but I'll comment from a Witch
Hunters player's perspective. Personally I like the idea. :)

> Battle Sisters = Hybrids (In power-armour? Must just be thick skinned!)
> Storm Troopers = Corrupt Adeptus Arbites
> Seraphim Squad = Jetpack Hybrids? :D
> Dominion Squad = Perhaps N/A - Could be Hybrids

In Witch Hunters, Dominions are smaller troops of Sisters that must be
mounted in a vehicle. Apart from extra special weapons options, they're
no different than Battle Sisters, stat-wise.

Not knowing much about Genestealer cults, I don't know if you can put
Hybrids in a vehicle; however, if all you're doing is proxying (you're
just using the models to represent the WH characters) then you should
be able to use the same models for Dominions as you do for regular
Battle Sisters. Likewise for all the Adepta Sororitas units really--you
just use the same models for all the different units with the actual WH
models (w/ appropriate weapons of course), so I would imagine same
could go for how you proxy them.

> Retributor Squad = Hybrid Heavy weapon teams
> Assorted Tanks = Assorted Tanks

How would you do an Immolator?

> Penitent Engines = Only because I don't want my sentinel models to go to
> waste :p
> Orbital Strike = A series of pre-planted bombs to prevent attacks

Yeah, there're no models for those anyway. Not that I'd ever use an
orbital strike--it's quite a point sink for something that works once
and could easily go against you.

Death Quaker!


Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)


Jon Hedge, ihug.com.au@dopefish wrote:

> using the Adversaries lists for my Genestealer Cult

You'll have to expand the old GSC model list to represent new Units.

> Inquisitor Lord + Retinue = Magus + Retinue

Shouldn't this fellow be the Patriarch?

> Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor = ?


> Celestian Squad = Veterans don't really work in a GeneCult

A Patriarch Bodyguard Unit of Warriors.

> Death Cult Assassins = ? Might be N/A


> Battle Sisters = Hybrids (In power-armour? Must just be thick skinned!)

Only so many Tyranid minis are modelled with ranged weapons.

What'll be needed is a more diverse Brood Brothers selection.

NB - Sisters could be represented by SM Scouts.

> Storm Troopers = Corrupt Adeptus Arbites

Otherwise, Cadians.

> Seraphim Squad = Jetpack Hybrids? :D

Hmmm . . . These don't necessarily have to *fly*.

It's the movement that's important. Leaping Gaunts?

>Dominion Squad = Perhaps N/A - Could be Hybrids

Scouts in a Chimera/ Rhino/ whatever transport you have.

Even Kasrkin might look well-armored enough to work here.

All in all, I think it sounds like an exciting project.

Good luck, and have fun!



Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

<spam@deathquaker.org> wrote in message
> I don't know Genestealers very well,

I don't know much about Witch Hunters other than a flick through the codex,
so we're pretty equal.

> How would you do an Immolator?

It's just a glorified Razorback isn't it? Religious items/decorations
certainly aren't out of place on a cult tank (Epic Genestealers make nice
ordaments, and Forge-World's Alpha-Legion (?) Rhino doors could easily be
painted to appear as Genestealer heads.) The focus of my cult is already the
converted Limo, and another heavily converted or scratch built vehicle will
only add to the army ;)

>> Orbital Strike = A series of pre-planted bombs to prevent attacks
> Yeah, there're no models for those anyway. Not that I'd ever use an
> orbital strike--it's quite a point sink for something that works once
> and could easily go against you.

I haven't really read into it, but it would fit, fluff-wise.
Thanks for your comments :)

Jon Hedge,
"The chances are, I said it in jest."

RGMW FAQ @ http://www.rgmw.org


Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

"Playa" <hurlgen40k@aol.com> wrote in message
> You'll have to expand the old GSC model list to represent new Units.

Perhaps, but I think there's enough to play with.

>> Inquisitor Lord + Retinue = Magus + Retinue
> Shouldn't this fellow be the Patriarch?

Yeah, ideally he should. Just doesn't have the right feel. A cult doesn't
*have* to be lead into battle by a Patriarch...he's on the other side of the
planet, leading the attack against the IG barracks, afterall.

>> Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor = ?
> Magus.

Fair call. It's only right that this guy is 2nd in command.

>> Celestian Squad = Veterans don't really work in a GeneCult
> A Patriarch Bodyguard Unit of Warriors.
>> Death Cult Assassins = ? Might be N/A
> Lictor!

I'd really like to keep away from Tyranids and just concentrate on the old
Gene-Cult army list.

>> Battle Sisters = Hybrids (In power-armour? Must just be thick skinned!)
> Only so many Tyranid minis are modelled with ranged weapons.

I've already got a decent sized cult army, I shouldn't need to bring in
'extra' tyranids.

> What'll be needed is a more diverse Brood Brothers selection.

Which is where the Arbites come into play (sorry, I should have noted that
they'd represent Brood Brothers)

> NB - Sisters could be represented by SM Scouts.

I'll wait on the plastic Scouts before I make that call.

>> Storm Troopers = Corrupt Adeptus Arbites
> Otherwise, Cadians.

Yeah, but at the end of the day, I've got a box of the old Arbites and I'd
like to use them.
On the other hand, there's a box of Cadians over there too...Mmm, choices.

>> Seraphim Squad = Jetpack Hybrids? :D
> Hmmm . . . These don't necessarily have to *fly*.
> It's the movement that's important. Leaping Gaunts?

Agreed. That's more fluffy, perhaps.

>>Dominion Squad = Perhaps N/A - Could be Hybrids

> Scouts in a Chimera/ Rhino/ whatever transport you have.
> Even Kasrkin might look well-armored enough to work here.

Is 'well-armored' the right choice, though? I picture a cult being rather
shaggy, and not a refined military body.

> All in all, I think it sounds like an exciting project.
> Good luck, and have fun!

Oh, I intend to. I've already taken off my pants in anticipation.
Thanks for the input.

Jon Hedge,
"The chances are, I said it in jest."

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