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"jaza" <> wrote in message
> I'm thinking of putting together and Armoured company what do you
> currently have in yours and what have you found works best?
---- Right matey, I have to admit that my AC is based on my desire to have a
'looks' as well as funtional army. But here goes :
HQ#1 Leman Russ Vanquisher with Las Cannon and Heavy Bolter Sponsons (Mars
pattern body for looks)
HQ#2 (My Commisar) Leman Russ Conqueror with again all the trimmings
Elite#1,2 and 3 Leman Russ Vanquisher with same as the HQ#1
Troop#1-6 Leman Russ with Las Cannon and Sponsons
Fast Attack#1-3 Armoured Fist Teams as per list
Heavy Support#1-3 Leman Russ Demolishers
I also have :
3 Basilisks with Vanaheim shields to interchange with the Demolishers
9 Sentinels to replace any Armoured Fists
2 Storm Trooper Squads which I use instead of 2 Elite choice Tank Aces to
bolster my infantry, with the 2 HQ's then leading Troop choices personally
My table is a 7x7 cityscape with tons of ruins, a couple of FW structures
and about a dozen Amera city block type buildings. Its quite interesting to
maneuver around and you have to use your infantry wisely and bring your
heavy stuff to bear on buildings asap. OOnce I get a proper hang of it all
it should work like a modern combined arms force.
The Commisar is great as the list says for spearheading and supporting a
massed Chimera assault.
Now of course you can also get the same effect as a Vanquisher by taking
the anti-tank doctrine which is 25pts per vehicle rather than a £12 turret
*GRIN* BUT as I said this a modelling project too for me.
I have not put the army out on a 'rural' table yet but I think that will be
its true baptism of fire.
The Storm Troopers make the infantry a force to be reckoned with, but of
course it costs me two Tank Aces but facilitates taking buildings more
> Also the vulture gunships look pretty cool but do you rate them as a
> playable model or are they too easy to bring down?
----- Dunno to be honest. I am just buying these solely to give my Elysians
a 'look'. Anyone else care to comment on them ????