[40k] Suggestions for a 1500pt+ Elysian force ???



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Hi chaps.......

Anyone got a suggestion for 1500pts of Elysians
(including maxing up command types as its bloody expensive)

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"Snarfgargle the 43rd The Condottiere" <snargargle@thepalace.com> wrote in
message news:ze83e.12863$Nr5.5964@fe2.news.blueyonder.co.uk...
> Hi chaps.......
> Anyone got a suggestion for 1500pts of Elysians
> (including maxing up command types as its bloody expensive)

How about not using Elysians figs 😛

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Cheeky sod

look I am building a Gucci IG army here.......

I know they are expensive but hey it's only money
"Spack" <news@worldofspack.co.uk> wrote in message
> "Snarfgargle the 43rd The Condottiere" <snargargle@thepalace.com> wrote in
> message news:ze83e.12863$Nr5.5964@fe2.news.blueyonder.co.uk...
>> Hi chaps.......
>> Anyone got a suggestion for 1500pts of Elysians
>> (including maxing up command types as its bloody expensive)
> How about not using Elysians figs 😛
> Dan
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Snarfgargle wrote on Fri, 01 Apr 2005 13:22:33 GMT:

> Cheeky sod
> look I am building a Gucci IG army here.......

OK, so if you want to spend some cash, but not on the Elysians ...

If you really want to go down the Elysian troops root, I guess you've got to
look at maxing out on wargear on your units. Make sure every unit has a vet
sergeant carrying the max amount of wargear, take the most expensive special
and heavy weapons in each squad, and bulk up on special and heavy weapon

What about taking Kasrkin for your stormtroopers? Cheaper models, damn nice
looking, and makes sure you know the difference between the units. Also,
only normal infantry units in the army can take the drop troops doctrine,
I'm pretty sure stormies don't get the option, so if you do decide to use
Elysians for the units don't forget to buy them without the jump packs, no
point spending cash on packs you can't use.

How about getting some Valkyries to bulk out the force to transport your
drop troops (or if the troops can't take it, how about just for the
stormies)? It's a damn nice model, or at least mine will be when I finish
building it. You could even hunt down a card template and make your own
Valkyries from plasticard or thick card.

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So far I was looking at :

1 x HQ squad
1 Special Weapons Squad
1 Mortar Squad
1 Meltagun Squad
1 Platoon HQ
3 Squads
3 Sentinels

Then that's gonna have the back up from a full 17 slot Armoured Company.

I agree about the packs, primarily because they are dirched on the ground

I was also considering a pair of Vultures ????
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Snarfgargle wrote on Fri, 01 Apr 2005 15:02:12 GMT:

> So far I was looking at :
> 1 x HQ squad
> 1 Special Weapons Squad
> 1 Mortar Squad
> 1 Meltagun Squad
> 1 Platoon HQ
> 3 Squads
> 3 Sentinels
> Then that's gonna have the back up from a full 17 slot Armoured Company.
> I agree about the packs, primarily because they are dirched on the ground
> anyway.
> I was also considering a pair of Vultures ????

IIRC the Vultures are Heavy Support, and they're just gunships with no
transport capability. They're a bit smaller than the Valkyrie, and didn't
really appeal to me.

I'm waiting for the ST dropships to be revealed, those might make a good
cheaper alternative to the Valkyrie for my stormie transports.

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"Spack" <news@worldofspack.co.uk> wrote in message
> Snarfgargle wrote on Fri, 01 Apr 2005 15:02:12 GMT:
>> So far I was looking at :
>> 1 x HQ squad
>> 1 Special Weapons Squad
>> 1 Mortar Squad
>> 1 Meltagun Squad
>> 1 Platoon HQ
>> 3 Squads
>> 3 Sentinels
>> Then that's gonna have the back up from a full 17 slot Armoured Company.
>> I agree about the packs, primarily because they are dirched on the ground
>> anyway.
>> I was also considering a pair of Vultures ????
> IIRC the Vultures are Heavy Support, and they're just gunships with no
> transport capability. They're a bit smaller than the Valkyrie, and didn't
> really appeal to me.
> I'm waiting for the ST dropships to be revealed, those might make a good
> cheaper alternative to the Valkyrie for my stormie transports.
> Dan
there is a drop ship from Space: Above and Beyond that I use. Although I
have two Valkyries, The S:AB dropship has enough space for twenty men. It is
a Resin bit model (from Acme 360 models for $80-you can get two for the
price of one Valkyrie and carries twice the load(my house
rules)-www.myweb.ecomplanet.com/ACME4155 . Does not look bad.

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Berto wrote on Fri, 1 Apr 2005 09:54:15 -0600:

> "Spack" <news@worldofspack.co.uk> wrote in message news:3b56vqF6g1doiU1@individual.net...
>> Snarfgargle wrote on Fri, 01 Apr 2005 15:02:12 GMT:
>>> So far I was looking at :
>>> 1 x HQ squad
>>> 1 Special Weapons Squad
>>> 1 Mortar Squad
>>> 1 Meltagun Squad
>>> 1 Platoon HQ
>>> 3 Squads
>>> 3 Sentinels
>>> Then that's gonna have the back up from a full 17 slot Armoured Company.
>>> I agree about the packs, primarily because they are dirched on the
>>> ground anyway.
>>> I was also considering a pair of Vultures ????
>> IIRC the Vultures are Heavy Support, and they're just gunships with no
>> transport capability. They're a bit smaller than the Valkyrie, and didn't
>> really appeal to me.
>> I'm waiting for the ST dropships to be revealed, those might make a good
>> cheaper alternative to the Valkyrie for my stormie transports.
>> Dan
> there is a drop ship from Space: Above and Beyond that I use. Although I
> have two Valkyries, The S:AB dropship has enough space for twenty men. It
> is a Resin bit model (from Acme 360 models for $80-you can get two for the
> price of one Valkyrie and carries twice the load(my house
> rules)-www.myweb.ecomplanet.com/ACME4155 . Does not look bad.

Nice. Shame I'm in the UK, or else I might be tempted to get a couple.

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I'm in the UK but I just ordered 4.............

They were nice and I weakened.....................
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"Snarfgargle the 43rd The Condottiere" <snargargle@thepalace.com> wrote in
message news:8bt3e.17550$Nr5.1867@fe2.news.blueyonder.co.uk...
> I'm in the UK but I just ordered 4.............
> They were nice and I weakened.....................
When you get the dropship, if you do not use the "middle part" and glue the
front and the back half, the size is almost exacltly like a Valkyrie without
the wings. I am sure wings can be made easy enough. Thought about doing it,
but it defeated my reasons for having two of them and that size.

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"Snarfgargle the 43rd The Condottiere" <snargargle@thepalace.com> wrote in
message news:8bt3e.17550$Nr5.1867@fe2.news.blueyonder.co.uk...
> I'm in the UK but I just ordered 4.............
> They were nice and I weakened.....................

Let me know what the quality is like, and what the import duty you get hit
with is. I might just be tempted to order a couple, although I'm also
tempted to hold on for the ST dropship.

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"Spack" <news@worldofspack.co.uk> wrote in message news:<3b54bjF6gj3liU1@individual.net>...
> Snarfgargle wrote on Fri, 01 Apr 2005 13:22:33 GMT:
> > Cheeky sod
> >
> > look I am building a Gucci IG army here.......
> OK, so if you want to spend some cash, but not on the Elysians ...
> If you really want to go down the Elysian troops root, I guess you've got to
> look at maxing out on wargear on your units. Make sure every unit has a vet
> sergeant carrying the max amount of wargear, take the most expensive special
> and heavy weapons in each squad, and bulk up on special and heavy weapon
> squads.
> What about taking Kasrkin for your stormtroopers? Cheaper models, damn nice
> looking, and makes sure you know the difference between the units.

Elysian rank and file should be convertable from Cadians - just get
hold of FW Elysian weapon packs for the lasguns etc. and model green
stuff visors. Then you can use Elysian models for command sections and
perhaps specialists/heavies (which aren't that much more expensive
than metal GW equivalents and look good).

Philip Bowles
Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

"Spack" <news@worldofspack.co.uk> wrote in message news:<3b56vqF6g1doiU1@individual.net>...
> Snarfgargle wrote on Fri, 01 Apr 2005 15:02:12 GMT:
> > So far I was looking at :
> >
> > 1 x HQ squad
> > 1 Special Weapons Squad
> > 1 Mortar Squad
> > 1 Meltagun Squad
> > 1 Platoon HQ
> > 3 Squads
> > 3 Sentinels
> >
> > Then that's gonna have the back up from a full 17 slot Armoured Company.
> >
> > I agree about the packs, primarily because they are dirched on the ground
> > anyway.
> >
> > I was also considering a pair of Vultures ????
> IIRC the Vultures are Heavy Support, and they're just gunships with no
> transport capability. They're a bit smaller than the Valkyrie, and didn't
> really appeal to me.
> I'm waiting for the ST dropships to be revealed, those might make a good
> cheaper alternative to the Valkyrie for my stormie transports.

Uh, conceptually the Valkyrie is the Storm Trooper dropship -
Valkyries + Storm Troopers = IG airborne cavalry. That's why the Epic
list incorporates Valkyries as ST transports.

Philip Bowles
Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

Well I decided to throw points to the wind and the Army is now:

HQ Squad
2 Meltagun Squads
9 Sentinels
2 Command Squads
6 Suads

That should give me a fair start and put pay to £500 in short order (the
wife was quite reasonable about it actually )
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I'm thinking of putting together and Armoured company what do you
currently have in yours and what have you found works best?

Also the vulture gunships look pretty cool but do you rate them as a
playable model or are they too easy to bring down?
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"jaza" <jared.haslemore@gmail.com> wrote in message
> I'm thinking of putting together and Armoured company what do you
> currently have in yours and what have you found works best?

---- Right matey, I have to admit that my AC is based on my desire to have a
'looks' as well as funtional army. But here goes :

HQ#1 Leman Russ Vanquisher with Las Cannon and Heavy Bolter Sponsons (Mars
pattern body for looks)

HQ#2 (My Commisar) Leman Russ Conqueror with again all the trimmings

Elite#1,2 and 3 Leman Russ Vanquisher with same as the HQ#1

Troop#1-6 Leman Russ with Las Cannon and Sponsons

Fast Attack#1-3 Armoured Fist Teams as per list

Heavy Support#1-3 Leman Russ Demolishers


I also have :

3 Basilisks with Vanaheim shields to interchange with the Demolishers
9 Sentinels to replace any Armoured Fists
2 Storm Trooper Squads which I use instead of 2 Elite choice Tank Aces to
bolster my infantry, with the 2 HQ's then leading Troop choices personally

My table is a 7x7 cityscape with tons of ruins, a couple of FW structures
and about a dozen Amera city block type buildings. Its quite interesting to
maneuver around and you have to use your infantry wisely and bring your
heavy stuff to bear on buildings asap. OOnce I get a proper hang of it all
it should work like a modern combined arms force.

The Commisar is great as the list says for spearheading and supporting a
massed Chimera assault.

Now of course you can also get the same effect as a Vanquisher by taking
the anti-tank doctrine which is 25pts per vehicle rather than a £12 turret
*GRIN* BUT as I said this a modelling project too for me.

I have not put the army out on a 'rural' table yet but I think that will be
its true baptism of fire.

The Storm Troopers make the infantry a force to be reckoned with, but of
course it costs me two Tank Aces but facilitates taking buildings more

> Also the vulture gunships look pretty cool but do you rate them as a
> playable model or are they too easy to bring down?

----- Dunno to be honest. I am just buying these solely to give my Elysians
a 'look'. Anyone else care to comment on them ????
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Snarfgargle wrote on Thu, 07 Apr 2005 08:13:41 GMT:

> HQ#1 Leman Russ Vanquisher with Las Cannon and Heavy Bolter Sponsons (Mars
> pattern body for looks)
> HQ#2 (My Commisar) Leman Russ Conqueror with again all the trimmings
> Elite#1,2 and 3 Leman Russ Vanquisher with same as the HQ#1
> Troop#1-6 Leman Russ with Las Cannon and Sponsons

Have you considered using heavy bolters on the hulls for some of these? I
use my Conqueror to spearhead my advance so having an additional 3 heavy
bolter shots to help wipe out units is handy, esp as you can fire the cannon
and all 3 heavy bolters in the same turn so maximising firepower. I tend to
field a mix of bolters and lascannons on the rest, mainly so that I have
some extra points to spend elsewhere - also if the tank is going to sit back
and lob ordnance then the lascannon is often a waste, the additional +1 S
isn't needed unless you're up against AV14 armour (which I why I take a
few), and an additonal couple of bolters shots can be handy if you find
yourself being assaulted.

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Good Point

so maybe one las cannon and 2 Heavy bolters per 3 tank squadron Dan ???
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Snarfgargle wrote on Thu, 07 Apr 2005 09:01:23 GMT:

> so maybe one las cannon and 2 Heavy bolters per 3 tank squadron Dan ???

Sounds good to me. Then again I just tend to throw my lists together.

Nice of GW to not include a hull heavy bolter for a simple weapon change,
isn't it? Luckily I had a few sources - TL heavy bolters from a Land Raider
sprue in the Crusader box (as it uses TL assault cannons instead), and a
couple of spare Russ sponsons (from a badly put together tank that warranted
ripping apart and turning into a Destroyer 😛). Easy enough to cut the
lascannon off the mount, trim the bolters to fit, and then glue them on :)

BTW, you're welcome (and so is anyone else who reads this) to come and sign
up on my site at http://wh40k.worldofspack.com and chat about 40k and your
armies - you can even post pics if you like 😉
