4670K 100% Usage


Jan 20, 2016
I recently SLI'd my rig with a second GTX 760 Superclocked. I had a problem keeping it cool at first, but have sorted that issue out. Now, while looking through my hardware monitor, I realized I was utilizing 100% of about 3 cores, and 99% of the fourth while playing games such as Black Flag and Battlefield 4. I am only using a 1080p 60HZ single monitor, with a second display to show my hardware monitor. The temp is running on average 69 degrees. Both the gpu/cpu are stock clocking. Is this normal? I haven't experience any bottleneck as of yet, nothing I can notice at least. No processes outside of operating system (Windows 10) running.
Well it may be a bottleneck as an for example you have the CPU which in multiplayer games its job is to keep track of all the players and control the physics and at the same time you have a GPU that needs looking after and that takes a high percentage of usage. Even with my i5 4460 and GTX 970 I see high usage sometime due to the work the CPU has to do. I've noticed most games in 2014-2015 relied on CPU more than GPU. My GTX 970 never really works hard in any game as It is usually 30-50% usage but it has only ever been stress in Far cry 4 with 60-80%.

Have you tried the SLI in different games?? I don't know stuff like Fallout 4, Skyrim, Witcher 3, Mad Max.

Your CPU isn't just keeping track of player is looking after an extra GPU, SLi-ing is very demanding usually requires a high thread CPU

But from what I have seen in the past on these forums battlefield 4 is awful with SLI for some reason, SLI is pretty much becoming obsolete as games don't need more than one current gen card reall
All drivers are current. I'm using a corsair cx 750. I know it isn't exactly glamorous. You think it could possibly be a power problem? I'm downloading precision x at the moment. I will get back with some more numbers for you.

CPU seems decent in other games, but still under a considerable load. I overclocked it last night to 4ghz and have seen a slight improvement. I attempted to push it to 4.2GHZ with the asrock bios, but it blue screened. Ill do some more research today and try to take it higher. Definitely doesn't seem to be a heat problem.

But it looks as though the game is just very demanding. I was always under the understand your CPU should never carry a higher load than your GPU, I guess I am wrong. Time to just go buy a 980TI huh?