4690k or 4790k to run Flight Simulator X + other games?

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Jun 22, 2014
Hey everyone. Within the next few months (probably by mid summer), I will be buying a new PC mainly for FSX, but also for other games, and this computer will also act as the main family computer. I can't seem to make up my mind between the i5 4690k or the i7 4790k for my processor. The graphics card will be a 2GB GTX 760, and I'll be putting in 8GB of RAM if that helps. My main predicament is that I don't know if I will be doing any overclocking due to the fact that I don't want to risk anything with it being the family computer and all. With that in mind I tend to lean towards the i7, but If I would be overclocking it makes more sense for me to go with the i5 because I could get near the performance for less price. Any advice on what might be the best choice?



Intel Master

Welcome to Tom's Hardware Forums! :)

Besides being the Intel Thermal Specialist here at Tom's, I'm also the FSX Xpert. :D

For FSX, the 4790K is your best bet. It's 4.0GHz out of the box, and will overclock to a minimum of 4.4. With liquid cooling 4.6 is common, and with a clean chip even 4.8 is possible.

Actually, FSX shouldn't be thought of in terms of a "game", which automatically invokes thoughts of powerful graphics cards in CF/SLI configurations in order to get the best frame rates. None of that works with FSX.

As I've written in many threads, FSX is a "simulation" that runs on the extreme CPU edge of the CPU <-----> GPU performance spectrum. FSX is very heavily CPU bound, but lightly GPU bound. As such, FSX will utilize every bit of CPU horsepower that you can afford to throw at it. FSX is also one of the very few titles that takes full advantage of the i7's Hyperthreading feature, which improves minimum frame rates over it's i5 counterparts.

Even as old a title as it is, FSX will pull the most powerful present day computer down to it's knees with all features max'd out. FSX as well as X-Plane love Intel i7 processors, and are both multi threaded programs. Frame rate scales nearly 1:1 with clock rate, so a high CPU overclock is key to getting the highest frame rates.

On the GPU end of the performance spectrum, FSX runs better with nVidia drivers, so a mid-range card is more than adequate, such as a GTX 760. Unlike a typical "game", FSX does not respond to high-end overclocked GPU horsepower. Additionally, CF/SLI configurations can actually cause a slight decrease in frame rate due to the increased CPU interrupts and clock cycles required to maintain muli-GPU overhead.

As a former pilot, I run FSX and X-Plane quite often, and have built many rigs in the past specifically for that purpose. Just so you don't misunderstand, I hold no loyalties to corporate logos such as AMD / Radeon / nVidia or Intel; I'm simply loyal to whatever combination of parts gives me the highest FSX frame rates.

I've built many AMD rigs; my last was an Opteron 170 overclocked to 3.0. Back in the day, nothing could touch it, and it ran FS04 extremely well. When FSX was released, no one had anything that could run it well ... until Intel's "Conroe" Core 2 was released in `06. That's when I switched from AMD to Intel.

In `07 FSX SP1 was released, which made FSX multi-threaded, so I upgraded from a Dual Core to a Quad Core, always overclocked as fast as voltage and thermal specifications would allow. Later, SP2 gave us more enhancements, and as hardware advanced we were able to increase image quality and detail while maintaining acceptable frame rates.

Now I'm running an i7 4770K overclocked to 4.7, and it's still not enough ... but FSX does run better than ever! Today I would buy the i7 4790K. So the bottom line? Build an i7, cool it and overclock it!

CT :sol:


Jun 22, 2014

Ok thanks...... I'm on a tight budget ($700-800) so let me give you this. Would it be better to get the i5 and a water cooler and overclock it pretty high, or get the i7 with say a Hyper 212 EVO and overclock minimally. I'm really not looking for a rig to run FSX with payware aircraft, payware scenery + REX at max settings. I'm really just looking to run FSX with payware decently ad mid to high settings. I guess I would be willing to go up to the i7 if I could sacrifice something to bring the price down a little. The other thing is that I'm brand new to building computers (this will be #1) And I'm, to be honest, a little scared of overclocking, especially on what will be the family computer. How high would frames in general be with the i5 and i7 (no overclock) with a GTX 760? If it were solely for me I might be more willing to experiment, but I don't want to cause the family to be without a computer while I fix issues with the overclock. Sorry for asking so many questions haha, but I just want to get the best out of my money.

Also here's what I have thrown together on pcpartpicker. If you want give me any advice on other things to adjust that's fine as well.



Aug 26, 2012

What about Multimonitor ? I run a 1980x1200 monitor on a Radeon R270X with an i3-4340 (3.6 GHz) and everything works well.

I plan to use a second monitor with minimum 1200x1024 for additional windows (side camera a.s.o.) after upgrading my CPU to a i5 or i7.

Would it make sense to plug in a second graphics card (no SLI) ?

What graphics card configuration (dual, triple) for two or three monitors is recommended ?

Nathan Fernandes

Jun 18, 2015

what do you think about using the AMD Radeon R9 card with eyefinity display for FSX? or which graphic card u think is best to get a full resolution on 3-4 displays?


Jul 11, 2015
Hi, I'm looking for someone to build me a CPU solely for FSX. I currently have Asus i7 2600 with 550ti GPU. I want to rebuild my rig for maxing or coming close to maxing out FSX. I've read, I74790k is my best bet with 780 GPU. Correct? Higuy23, what do you charge?
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