4690K vs 4790K


Hi Community,

I have recently been observing different websites to see if I can get a good deal on a CPU upgrade, I am currently stuck with the 4690K and 4790K, which would be better - Please take note that if I was to get a 4690K it would be brand new, and if I got a 4790K it would be used, so pricing is around the same (£200+/-) Average. Obviously performance wise, the 4790K is definitely better, and with the hyperthreading and extra overclocking it would be even better.

But when I look at it like this, you don't know what the previous owner has done to the CPU, so it cannot be fully trusted, I don't really use any editing software, only benchmarking software and just general games. So is the 4790K overkill? Or would the £200 be worth it.

Both processors are overclockable, and I'm sort of on a £350 Budget (Ish) and I need to buy a Z97 Motherboard, so that is about another £100 off.

I have found one on Ebay (I don't fully trust ebay) that has been used for 8 months and has been claimed to never have been overclocked, but used and stayed well under TJMax.

Basically - Used 4790K or New 4690K

(If I was to get a 1151 Processor (6600K/6700K it would cost me around £500 (CPU, Motherboard + DDR4 RAM)

Ignore this if you like - But if possible, can you recommend me a good Z97 Motherboard that will allow overclocking and goes with my Black/Green colour scheme, this could be fully black, black and green, or black and any colour that compliments green (Purples - I think... - I'm no artist 😛 )

Thanks in advance!

- Dom.

Yeah that's what I was thinking. But I was just wondering if an i7 would be better even though its used due to its 4C 8T (Hyperthreading) but I guess you're correct, so I'll get warranty and you can basically overclock it to the same frequency anyway (Or similar) as the i5's will run cooler.

Thanks for the reply!
Hey there.

If the Ebay source has a good reputation then go for the i7. Below are a couple of reasons to back this up:

1. Turbo clock out of the box for the i7 is 4.4GHz while that of the i5 is 3.9GHz. That is 13% performance gain across 8 threads instead of 4.

2. People will try to persuade you that for gaming an i5 is enough and tbh that was the case up until the ps4 and xb1 came out.

You see most games that come out are console ports and the games source code relies heavily on the hardware available. As newer consoles utilise 8 threads there is a benefit to have an i7.

3. If these are your options then then the i7 will hang in there the most.

On the other side if you really need the cpu to be new then you could get a skylake 6600K and mobo that supports DDR3 Ram which you already have to cut the cost down a bit.

Z97 mobo

Some good points there.

I did originally plan on getting a 6600K or 6700K but it went past £500, and wasn't really worth it in my opinion.

Can you explain the difference between DDR3L and DDR3, not really too sure as it isn't really something I've looked into (Not really too bothered with RAM unless I have 16GB and it works), and if so, would I be able to use my DDR3 ram with the new motherboard, or would I have to change it?

I guess with the 4690K and 6600K basically being the same price, and the motherboards the same, it would be a preferred option if I can re-use my DDR3 RAM, but I don't think I will be able to (I'm clueless with RAM)

Edit: Would an OEM version of the CPU change the performance?

Hey. So if you do go with skylake the only caveat is that the boards supporting k cpus are ddr4 only. You would have to get a non-k version. Ddr3L means low profile ram so ram that runs upto 1.35v.

Here is a build with a motherboard capable of utilising your standard ddr3 ram of upto 1.5v and using skylake.


Hey. So if you do go with skylake the only caveat is that the boards supporting k cpus are ddr4 only. You would have to get a non-k version. Ddr3L means low profile ram so ram that runs upto 1.35v.

Here is a build with a motherboard capable of utilising your standard ddr3 ram of upto 1.5v and using skylake.



Oh, alright.

I would prefer the ability to overclock, but I don't mind either way, don't really trust myself.

I guess the i7-6700 or i5-6600 would be an option too, I just wanted to test overclocking. Not really going to do this 'Upgrade' any time soon, but if I go with a 6700 I can save a good £60-70 on the Motherboard, which sort of cancels its self out if I get the 6700.

I can get the i7-6700 for £260 on Amazon, lose the ability to overclock for £40 less (6700k) or £60 more (6600K), but I can get a decent motherboard for £40, and if I get the one you linked, I can keep my DDR3 RAM, which still comes out to about £300 (Maybe a little extra) and I can always upgrade to get more RAM if I wanted, but it definitely isn't needed.

Here is the CPU: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Intel-Quad-Core-i7-6700-3-4GHz-Processor/dp/B0136JONG8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475143794&sr=8-1&keywords=6700

Off of Amazon so I trust it more than ebay.

Is there too much of a performance difference between DDR4 or DDR3 that is is a 'Needed' upgrade?

Oh, alright.

I would prefer the ability to overclock, but I don't mind either way, don't really trust myself.

I guess the i7-6700 or i5-6600 would be an option too, I just wanted to test overclocking. Not really going to do this 'Upgrade' any time soon, but if I go with a 6700 I can save a good £60-70 on the Motherboard, which sort of cancels its self out if I get the 6700.

I can get the i7-6700 for £260 on Amazon, lose the ability to overclock for £40 less (6700k) or £60 more (6600K), but I can get a decent motherboard for £40, and if I get the one you linked, I can keep my DDR3 RAM, which still comes out to about £300 (Maybe a little extra) and I can always upgrade to get more RAM if I wanted, but it definitely isn't needed.

Here is the CPU: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Intel-Quad-Core-i7-6700-3-4GHz-Processor/dp/B0136JONG8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475143794&sr=8-1&keywords=6700

Off of Amazon so I trust it more than ebay.

Is there too much of a performance difference between DDR4 or DDR3 that is is a 'Needed' upgrade?[/quotemsg]

If you are not into software that will take up space in your ram for processing like video and photo editing then the differences are negligible.

If you are not into software that will take up space in your ram for processing like video and photo editing then the differences are negligible. [/quotemsg]

Yeah, I don't really do video editing anymore, and I never get over 8GB or over 10GB at a huge limit. So that's what I expected.

Thanks for the help!

Do you know any more motherboards that are plain black and around £50-60? And support DDR3, just wondering as I would like a few choices and pick my personal preference.

Think I'll go for a 6700, new motherboard and keep my DDR3 RAM.

I can sell my current CPU for around £100, so any money over will help! Just wanting to replace due to my motherboard starting to seem a bit defective, as the PCI-E slot is very temper-mental, and probably has a lot of strain due to my GTX 970.

Yeah, I don't really do video editing anymore, and I never get over 8GB or over 10GB at a huge limit. So that's what I expected.

Thanks for the help!

Do you know any more motherboards that are plain black and around £50-60? And support DDR3, just wondering as I would like a few choices and pick my personal preference.

Think I'll go for a 6700, new motherboard and keep my DDR3 RAM.

I can sell my current CPU for around £100, so any money over will help! Just wanting to replace due to my motherboard starting to seem a bit defective, as the PCI-E slot is very temper-mental, and probably has a lot of strain due to my GTX 970.[/quotemsg]

Have a look at these
I heard that using DDR3 ram on Skylake CPUs can damage the lifespan of the CPU, is this true? And would it be worth the upgrade to DDR4? I can sell my current RAM for £50-ish as it is, and I found a decent deal for 32GB of RAM (Not needed but its a good price - For about £100) or I can find a kit with either 2x8 or 4x4 for dual/quad channel support.

I'm probably going to be doing this upgrade nearer Christmas if I go ahead with it, so I can spend money on a H170 Motherboard or something similar, and get DDR4 RAM.


That is the RAM, does not have dual-channel support or whatever it is called, but 32GB For £100 isn't too bad to me. Not needed but yeah. Can you recommend a 4x4GB Kit that is Black, Low profile (If possible) and DDR4 with a similar pricing. Or a 2x8GB Kit.

If uou are willing to upgrade to a ddr4 mobo then do it. The ram you linked does support dual channel. Note down that the h170 does not support cpu overclocking and is dual channel supported and x99 is quad channel. 32gb is too much for what you are looking for and 100 is good price but you can get 2x8gb for less than 70. If you look around you can het for less.


It is DDR3 low voltage, not low profile https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DDR3_SDRAM#DDR3L_and_DDR3U_extensions, because it uses 1.35V instead of 1.5V as a normal ddr3. No need to go for skylake, money wasted for a 5% performance bonus which it is not needed, a i5 4690k overclocked to 4.4-4.6 ghz can handle a new titan x, so dont wasted your money for something it is not worth, but this is your decision, it is your money, honestly the money you wished to change the mobo and cpu and ram i would add to buy a new more powerfull videocard.

EDIT: Oh, now i see you got a h81 motherboard, in this case change the platform and this time go for a z170 chipset and 6600k or 6700k cpu and ddr4 ram, ddr3l are weaker then the normal ddr3 so go for a ddr4 2800 or 2400 mhz.

That is not correct, turbo boost can boost 1-2 cores to the boost speed but not all 8 cores, there is a feature in some motherboards to sync all cores which means when a core goes to 4 ghz all cores goes to 4 ghz but that is a feature and not a standard thing for exemple my motherboard has this feature.

I know the Motherboard doesn't support overclocking, hence the 6700 (Non-K), and does the dual-channel do anything? My current RAM doesn't have it enabled as they're different types of RAM (Not recommended, but similar specs) and it works perfectly fine. I know 32GB is overkill, but for £100 its sort of work it, as 4x4GB sticks are basically the same price for a decent pair.

I would be willing to get DDR4 RAM if I got a Non-K CPU, and with the 6700, it's basically clocked at 4.4GHz, so it'll be great anyway, and overclocking wouldn't make much of a performance increase, as I'd get about 4.5GHz if I got a 6700K (Ish)

I guess if I ever wanted 32GB, I can save up some money and buy another kit of 2x8GB, although I doubt i'll ever need that.