4770k w/ h60 idling temps WAY TOO HIGH


Feb 23, 2014
I installed the h60 with the stock paste that it comes with and I was idling at 50-60 degrees C

That seemed way to high, so I wiped the paste off with iso prop alcohol and then re-applied with some cooler master paste I had... After I turned it on, I was running idle at 70-80 degrees!!

I just did ANOTHER re-apply and now I'm idling in the 70-80 degrees C range...

Seriously, what the heck can I do to get this idling down in the 20-30 degree range... The room temperature isn't more than 65 degrees (FARENHEIT) so that does not seem to be the issue...

I am using the cpu 1 and cpu 2 fan pins to power the pump and the radiator/fan...

Below is a snapshot of the CPUID Hardware Manager output...

Any thoughts?

Is there a way I can verify the pump is actually pumping? I listen but don't hear a distinguishable noise that I can say "Oh, thats definietly the pump"...

So, I have the 3 pin pump connector hooked to cpu_fan_2 on the mobo... When I go into the BIOS, it says "CPU FAN SPEED 2: N/A"... I hooked it up to PWR_FAN_1 and checked in the BIOS and it says "PWR FAN SPEED: N/A"..

Does this show my pump is freakin dead?
oh, that's bad. Sounds like your H60 Isn't even trying to cool your CPU, Is there a way to change the fan speed of the H60 or increase pump flow? I don't use liquid cooling but if you have the option to adjust those settings please do.

I cannot find anywhere, anyone to tell me how to verify the pump is working.. not to mention working "normally"..

I had the 3 pin pump connector hooked to the 3 pin cpu_fan_2 pinout... I went in the BIOS and it said Cpu Fan 1 Speed 1980 or something and Cpu Fan Speed 2 "N/A"...

Just updated the OP w/ some new information with regards to trying to determine if the pump was indeed working..

70-80 degrees C dude... Cmon...

That's what I'm asking people here that have experience with this type of cooling...

Remove the entire assembly. If you have a modular PSU you can just hook up the pump with a Molex converter cable. If you plug in the fan you'll never hear it. If you hear nothing it's most likely a bad pump. I have an H60 on my A10-5800K and it dropped the temps to 29C during idle and 45-55 playing most games. You should not be seeing 70-80.

Also are you OCing? if single stock fan on the radiator it may not be enough.

The issue was that the pump was bad. I sent it back to Corsair and since getting the new one things are running in the 20C range.