Question Assistance with Lenovo ThinkCentre 710Q

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Sep 1, 2022
I have this second hand Lenovo ThinkCentre All in One PC.

It was running ChromuimOS, I pulled the drive to reinstall windows 10 on the machine but am unable to get into the BIOS whatsoever.
Have tried the indicated keys ( F1/ Esc/ Enter/ Delete/ F9 ((Fn + aswell)) to no avail.

When the computer stops power cycling it brings up what appears to be a Amazon Customer support OS recovery screen, going to the website listed at the bottom is of no use as it seems to not work - Https://

I would attempt to reset the bios but am having troubles getting past the above mentioned screen.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Lenovo ThinkCentre 710Q
i3- 7th Gen
120Gb SSD
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

If you have access to the CMOS battery, remove it and that should reset the BIOS. It will not reset the password on said prebuilt, mind you. Also, you mentioned pulling the drive, what did you replace it with?
I do have acess to the CMOS battery, i did pull it out to no avail on the reset
The drive i tested it with was a 320GB 2.5" HDD with a dummy windows install i use to test if a drive is at fault quickly
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