4850 crossfire help


Aug 9, 2008
Sorry for the double post, I posted this in another section, but did not receive much help and I usually post here anyways so I decided to see if I could get more help from yall.

I just bought a second 4850 GPU a while back and been working on trying to run them in crossfire, but so far I have not had much luck. I was hopping y'all might be able to help me out.

What I did was installed the first GPU, updated the drivers and got the latest CCC. I then shut the computer down and installed the second 4850, plugged in the 6 pin power connector and put on the two crossfire bridges and booted up the computer.

When it booted up a CCC message came up stating that crossfire is the ultimate in graphics power blah blah, so I thought it all worked correctly.

When I opened up the CCC the "Enable crossfire" was greyed out, and it said that the crossfire bridge interconnects were not connected properly and to make sure I have two bridges cpnnected. I have them both connected to the cards and im pretty sure its the right way, although they do sit on the cards kinda loose. Is that normal? These don't snap to the cards to anything.

Something I think I might of missed is that there might be a switch on the Mobo or a setting in the Bios that I have to change to enable crossfire on the Mobo, but reading though the manual and doing some Google searches I have came up empty handed.

I tried rebooting the computer with only one bridge but that didn't change anything, so I uninstalled the drivers with both cards in and connected, rebooted and installed the latest drivers and CCC with both cards installed, but still the same thing.

Anybody have any other suggestions, or information about enabling crossfire on my Mobo?


Aug 9, 2008
Have you tested the new card solo?

Yes, I have tested both the cards alone and they both seem to be working fine.

try a different crossfire connector in place of each of the others.

I only have two bridges, I have tried both the bridges and them both of them one at a time. Still they don't make a difference.

Another question I have though is how loose are the bridges suppose to fit on the cards? These sit kinda loose, they didn't snap into place or anything. I can put my finger behind both the bridges and apply very little pressure and they will both fall off. Is that normal?