nodoubtsahid :
8GB RAM vs 4GB RAM will serve you much better than the small Optane module to potentially speed up access to some parts of the HDD.
Will it increase the speed of file accessing or app launching or data read and write, to say the overall , than my present situation ?
The Optane will speed up access to that data which resides in that 16GB space.
Not ALL of the drive. It is simply a very fast cache. Write speeds to that drive will still happen at HDD speed. No benefit.
4GB physical RAM is,
at best, marginal for a current Windows PC. 8GB or more is strongly recommended.
It will provide far more of a benefit, in that the system will not need to swap in and out of the page file so often.
Optane is misunderstood as a universal speed up thing. It is not.
It is simply a very fast cache for the HDD> Useful in some situations, but not all. And rarely if ever in the consumer space, where you and I are.