4k DPI Scaling with 1080p Side Monitors


Jun 13, 2013
I have a 23" 1080p, 39" 1080p tv, and 20" 900p side monitor

I am thinking of getting a 4k monitor, but if I do, how can I scale the monitor to say 150% DPI scaling so its easier to use, but keep my other side monitors at their Default 100% scaling?

I have Windows 8.1, but in the scaliing settings, I saw no option to individually scale each monitor.

If I can't through Windows, what's the easiest 3rd party software that could do this?
Would love answers from people who have tried this configuration. Google never gave me a definitive answer
Hi there friend :) I know exactly what your talking about because I had the same problem
unfortunately the genius's at Microsoft missed this great idea. You cannot set dpi scaling options that are different to each monitor every monitor has to have the same scaling ratio in windows 7 and 8.1.
The only way is if you use a program (if it exists?) that manage's to change the font and size of each application set to that specific monitor and resolution.
Just one question are you trying out the new Nvidia option to change a 1080p monitor into semi 4k (DSR)
lol I've just done that everything is so much clearer than 1080p. Everyone that said 4k is hardly a different's is wrong and I think Nvidia has just woken 4k from its slumber.
I'm using...


Jun 13, 2013

Seems counter productive :/

I want the 4k experience, but I love to have Spotify on my right, and my Browser above me, and I'd love if I could use the 4k in front of me as well without having to wear binoculars.

There is no way?


Jun 13, 2013

look I was planning on a second 290... but they're all sold out of Tri-X's on Newegg right now, and the 4k monitor I want is sold out too. (for $350 at least, they're sold out of)

I want to know if I can just scale the res, that's my only concern.
I have mixed res/screen size now, I just need a way to Mixed DPI scale them
I'm no stranger to odd interfaces:

I just want text and icons to be the correct size with each other, and I know there will be lots of people who can't afford 2x 4k panels who will be interested in this too, I'd love a solution.
Its not dpi. Its just pixels - height and width.

You should leave monitors at native resolution. And you should have the same resolution for each if you want to extend the desktop and have everything line up.

All you can do is try different stuff to see if it'll work.


Jun 13, 2013

I'm sorry if you're confused, what I mean by 'DPI scaling' is this in Windows Settings:

Problem is, as you see, I don't want the 'let this scale all displays' checkbox, and the only control I have to sale the displays is that small slider showing smaller to larger.
That slider will affect all monitors, whether that checkbox is checked or not, just Windows 8.1 will then change my 1080p's to what it thinks it should scale next to a 4k monitor...
I want 0% scaling on the side monitors, I want them in their full DPI, as Windows is already easy to use in it's native 100% scaling. 4k is not. 4k is much easier at 150% scaling, and looks a lot alike 1440p or 1080p does natively at this scaling.

This is a great explanation and visual showing how 4k works with scaling

But again... i do not want windows to scale my other monitors, just the 4k one that needs it :/


Mar 11, 2015
Hi there friend :) I know exactly what your talking about because I had the same problem
unfortunately the genius's at Microsoft missed this great idea. You cannot set dpi scaling options that are different to each monitor every monitor has to have the same scaling ratio in windows 7 and 8.1.
The only way is if you use a program (if it exists?) that manage's to change the font and size of each application set to that specific monitor and resolution.
Just one question are you trying out the new Nvidia option to change a 1080p monitor into semi 4k (DSR)
lol I've just done that everything is so much clearer than 1080p. Everyone that said 4k is hardly a different's is wrong and I think Nvidia has just woken 4k from its slumber.
I'm using the Asus Strix Gtx 980 astonishingly it stay's soooo cold under full load.


Jun 13, 2013

Hmm, I have tried AMD's DSR with my 290 (it came out in a driver update a few months back, but only goes to 2k) and I must say, it does look much clearer, even with just simulated 1600p.
I have since abandoned the 4k muli monitor Idea, as there aren't any workaround with windows right now, and 4k is SO far behind from where I thought it would go.
Decided to stick with my 1080p's for now, even a 980 cannot power all games in 4k right now.
I'm waiting on the 390x vs. 980ti before i decide on an upgrade though, maybe one of them will have an edge on 4k.


Apr 19, 2015
so any third party apps that can do this? I'm looking at display fusion and multimon, but i don't think they have this feature. i want to be able to change scaling with each monitor separately!