5-750 and Intel Turbo-how to activate?


Jan 26, 2010
Ok...Ive combed through some google searchs concerning the INtel turbo for i5 750 and dont get it. The majority of the articles i see go over my head.

Im not too concerned about how it works...just how to activate it. Or is it always on and shows it face when needed for certain tasks.

Just built a new PC with i5 750 and I expected better performance in software like Handbrake (home movie ripping). My work pc has a Q6600 Intel core 2 and the performance is near identicle. Please note that Im just using Handbrake as an example since currently it maxes out all 4 cores on my i5 and all 2 cores on my work pc and both are similar in speed.

In other software like Photoshop, i see the difference big time....like night and day.

haha sorry.. i had to check which processor my work pc has and must of saw 2 (core 2 quad) and it made its way into my message....

yup...the quad part made it obvious..:)

The Intel i5 750 is a New serious of a Quad (1156) Now about the turbo Boost. It's always Enabled to help all 4 core.
Automatically speeds up your processor when your PC needs extra performance now that's smart performance with a speed boost.
The Intel i5 750 is faster that than the Q6600.

Now in 3D Vantage the Q6600 overclock @ 3.6Ghz scores - 12126

Now in 3D Vantage the Intel i5 750 score - 16418
So that means the Intel i5 is using all 4 core with handbrake and the Q6600 is using just 2 cores.
Reason why is the turbo Boost that Q6600 doesn't have.

It's surprising that it isn't faster than your core 2 quad. It should be noticeably faster, to the tune of perhaps 10-15% at least. As for turbo, it's probably working fine. You could download CPU-Z to check what speed your processor is running (it should be 2.8GHz when all four cores are active).