Question 5 key getting spammed despite disconecting the keyboard from the MB


Nov 6, 2014
tl;dr: the "5" key keeps getting spammed on my laptop even after I disconnect the keyboard ribbon cable from the MB. Is this a keyboard problem or something else?

So i have a Lenovo Legion Y520.

Spilled like a spoon of water on the numpad. Dried it fast the best I could. Keyboard was acting weird (like pressing the H key would press a combo of other keys as well, and all sort of other weird stuff).

Anyway, I opened the case, removed every component (no visible humidity), dried the keyboard the best I could (again, no visible humidity), and left the entire laptop open for 2 days.

Today I resembled it, starts fine, but the 5 key keeps getting spammed.

I disconnected the keyboard ribbon cable (not sure if that's what you call it - sry, English is not my first language), the trackpad cable and the keyboard lighting cable from the MB.

Restarted the laptop and 5 keeps getting spammed. If it's a keyboard problem, shouldn't the 5 key spam stop if I disconnect the cables connecting the heyboard to the MB?
Straight up an infinite series of 5555. I know this because it instantly tries to type that in my windows PIN code box.

Pushing other keys on the laptop's keyboard doesn't do anything (well.. except the power button). Laptop trackpad doesnt work either. Connecting an extern mouse (USB) works fine.

I connected an USB keyboard to the laptop. Pressing a key works, but it just gets mixed in the infinite 5555 spam. For example if I press "X" on the USB keyboard, i get 5555X555555555555.

Wouldn't be such a problem if I could just make the laptop stop trying to type stuff and be able to log into windows and backup my stuff by only using the USB mouse.