Question 50% of memory being used with no large Processes running.

Jan 25, 2021
Ok so one night I was playing games and then my games start randomly crashing saying I don't have enough memory to run them. I have run these games in the past with no problems at all and my RAM had been completely normal. I close the game I was playing and open up Task Manager, and it says over 50% of my memory is being used. The largest application I had open was Discord which took up nowhere near 50% of my ram. I have 8 gigs of ram and I use Windows 10 operating system. Does anyone know what might be causing this? I am afraid it might be malware but my antivirus software "Webroot" has not detected anything after numerous scans and I have no idea where I would've gotten Malware.
Restarted Windows lately? (Not shutdown since all that does is hybrid-sleep the pc)

Ok so I restarted my computer, then right when I got to my desktop I opened Task Manager and waited a bit. It said I was using between 50-60% of my memory even though the only window I had open was Task Manager. The reason this is so confusing is this has not happened until a couple of nights ago. My computer has worked perfectly fine until recently for seemingly no reason, I don't know what caused this random spike in memory usage as in task manager there aren't any giant tasks that should take up a lot of memory, yet around 60% is being used.
open msconfig and see what all is starting when you boot your pc to many programs would put it in the 4gb area.

Not at my pc but if I remember right it's around 3.4 with just task manager open.

I opened System Configuration, and in the General tab selective startup was picked, with all of the boxes checked off. I then went over to the Services tab and clicked the checkbox to "Hide All Microsoft Services" and I counted one at a time that there are 22 services with the status as running. I don't know if that's a lot or if that's normal. I then went to the startup tab and I had 5 things enabled for a startup. All of them were low impact except for "Razer Synapse 3" which I use to customize my peripheral lighting. If it is Razer Synapse that is overwhelming my memory that would be confusing because I have used Razer Synapse since I got my computer and my computer has run fine when I used it in the past.