$500-800 Setup for Gaming Battlefield 3

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Sep 18, 2011
Approximate Purchase Date: Anytime between now and Release of Battlefield 3 early beta access

Budget Range: 500-800

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Being able to play BattleField 3, League of legends and portal 2. A Small hard drive is fine 350gb is what i have now on my laptop and is alright but if theres bigger for cheaper than im all for it.

Parts Not Required: Mouse

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: tigerdirect.ca newegg.ca bestdirect.ca

Country of Origin: Canada

Parts Preferences: Anything

Overclocking: Maybe

SLI or Crossfire: Maybe

Monitor Resolution: You know best

Additional Comments:
I would just like a machine and monitor for around 500-800 that i can play battlefield 3 and it wont be choppy or slow. Meaning i dont have to play it on ultra settings but i would like best performance i can get.

Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHzRAM2GB
Video Card: DirectX 10 or 11 compatible Nvidia or AMD ATI card

Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPURAM 4GB
Video Card: DirectX 11 Nvidia or AMD ATI card, GeForce GTX 460, Radeon Radeon HD 6850
Yea i hear its pretty sick ive only ever played the first one.

The games that came with the processor is Deus Ex:human revo
and with my gfx card was Mafia 2 Just cause 2 Batman arkham city and 3dmark 11 advanced edition.

Now that i got your guys ok haha im gonna start the purchase! itll be a few weeks before it gets approved cause the government is paying for it 😀 shhh

Maybe ill post pics of it or something when im done showing that it actually works and i didnt fubar it since ive never built one on my own 😀
Wait so my chipset technically shouldnt run 1600?

I thought it was okay cause the motherboard said
Memory Supported: 1066MHz DDR3
1333MHz DDR3
1800MHz DDR3 (OverClocking)
1600MHz DDR3
2000MHz DDR3 (OverClocking)
it can run all those speeds but AMD only officially supports 1333 so to make such MB's work well it some times requires you to manually set things to get that speed. on intel its as simple as turning on XMP but on amd's not all MB's will auto run your 1600mhz ram at speed. you may boot up to see it running at 1333.
Oh thanks for the heads up had no idea.
I guess once i get it all ill have to look into how to overclock everything etc cause i have no idea where to start heh :)
i3 2100 - $125
ASRock H61M-GE - $65
Gskill Value Series 4GB DDR3 1333 - $20
HIS IceQ X Radeon HD 6950 1GB - $250
Seagate Barracuda 500GB SATA III - $40
LG Optical Drive SATA 24X DVD R/W - $20
Corsair CX500 V2 - $55
CoolerMaster HAF 912 - $60

Total : $635 before rebates

Acer S220HQLAbd Black 21.5" 5ms LED Backlight Widescreen LCD Monitor - $130

Grand Total : $765 before rebates
local computer shop down the road has a i5 2500K for 140.00 when you buy a MB and video card with it. the video cards and MB's are the same price as newegg and they have very close to the same selection.
wow i wish. haha cheapest i could find it was 199 in a mobo combo
on the bright side i scored a 24" for 129.99 then the next day it was mysteriously 224.99 musta been priced wrong haha
on a BF3 note, i just played the beta today and maxed out at 1920X1080 i got 60fps steady on a single 5870. so i dont think the game will be anywhere near as demanding as people have been speculating.