Question 5080 aero oc sff


Jul 2, 2020
Hi all. Sorry in advance if this sounds stupid. I jus got a 5080 aero oc sff gpu, i didn’t know sff meant small form factor. I should’ve done more research on it before pulling the trigger. But I was reading on the internet that I wouldn’t be able to overlock it that much due to insufficient cooling or the performance of this card wouldn’t be as good as a regular sized gpu. but doesn’t this card have more cooling than a regular sff. Would this sff card be limited in anyway performance wise (fps, temps etc) compared to a regular, chunky sized 5080?
Hi all. Sorry in advance if this sounds stupid. I jus got a 5080 aero oc sff gpu, i didn’t know sff meant small form factor. I should’ve done more research on it before pulling the trigger. But I was reading on the internet that I wouldn’t be able to overlock it that much due to insufficient cooling or the performance of this card wouldn’t be as good as a regular sized gpu. but doesn’t this card have more cooling than a regular sff. Would this sff card be limited in anyway performance wise (fps, temps etc) compared to a regular, chunky sized 5080?
3 fans on it, should be fine they make good cards.
For OCing who knows but at the regular speed should be fine.
3 fans on it, should be fine they make good cards.
For OCing who knows but at the regular speed should be fine.
Thanks. I hope a full review of it comes out soon. If u were in my shoes, would u return it for a chance to get a regular sized gpu or would u just deal with it
Hi all. Sorry in advance if this sounds stupid. I jus got a 5080 aero oc sff gpu, i didn’t know sff meant small form factor. I should’ve done more research on it before pulling the trigger. But I was reading on the internet that I wouldn’t be able to overlock it that much due to insufficient cooling or the performance of this card wouldn’t be as good as a regular sized gpu. but doesn’t this card have more cooling than a regular sff. Would this sff card be limited in anyway performance wise (fps, temps etc) compared to a regular, chunky sized 5080?

in short no keep the 5080 youll get scalped by high prices.

its running 3 fans so it shouldnt be that bad.

overclocking headroom isnt a issue unless you intent to push the card.

it will clock as high as all the other 5080s.

and as long as your pc case has loads of fans youll be fine
in short no keep the 5080 youll get scalped by high prices.

its running 3 fans so it shouldnt be that bad.

overclocking headroom isnt a issue unless you intent to push the card.

it will clock as high as all the other 5080s.

and as long as your pc case has loads of fans youll be fine

Awesome, if I do intend do push the card sometimes, would four 120 fans, two 140 fans and a kraken 360 be enough cooling to balance the heat from the gpu?
Awesome, if I do intend do push the card sometimes, would four 120 fans, two 140 fans and a kraken 360 be enough cooling to balance the heat from the gpu?

in short you dont really have to do any overclocking nvidia and amd software clocks it based on temperature

so the cooler your overall air in your case the more the card will boost.

how are the fans set up

is the aio in the top part of the case ?

or the front etc ?

rule of thumb heat rises

the aio is a good idea

other good points about the card it wont sag as much being more compact means its not going to be as heavy or sag .