560 ti known issues?


Jun 15, 2010
I finally decided to get a 560 ti yesterday. When it came down to sifting through newegg I noticed a loooot of bad reviews. This was interesting to me since this is something g.card reviewers overlook. Long-term stability is important to me. I absolutely hate RMA, lets be honest not even EVGA is that great.

Cards I am most interested in:



I know, there is a lot of nerd rage in customer hardware reviews in general, but this really stood out. I mean more than half of the reviews mentioned 2 different recurring problems.

Is this card just not stable ever? Are they all just doin it wrong? Lets hear from some seasoned users.


Oct 3, 2011
i got a Zotac 560 ti they do have a zotac 560 ti amp witch is overclocked . personelly 560 ti can play any game i have maxed out. i got red orchestra 2 maxed with about 45-50 fps shogun 2 maxed out 40 to 50 fps . bfbd2 maxed out with 60 fps and higher

i am waiting for bf3 to come out in a few days if i cant maxe that out then i will be upgrading to either a 590 or 580 witch ever does the trick to max that out leaning more towards the 590 for future gaming

I5 2500K@3.3 GHZ
16 RAM
560 TI
OCZ 550 WATTS (12V 38 A)


Jun 15, 2010
I know what you mean. I am a huge BF fan as well. It is my main concern. the 6950 did slightly better fps wise in the bf3 beta, but the final build of the game and newer drivers could change that.

how long have you been using your 560ti belly? Seen way to many reviews of failing cards at 3+ months...especially the stock overclocked cards with good cooling, which kind of defies logic.

any more 560 ti users? I really dont want to get a 6950.
I have the tf2, bought it back in july, haven't had any issues, hottest it got was 67C in crysis 2. Remember a lot of people with no issues don't post a review, but every person with an issue will post and maybe even multi-post if they're trolls.
I have an Asus Direct CU II. Actually, it's the second one, because the first one flaked out on the second or third day so I had to RMA the card. It's more powerful than any of my current games need, but I built my rig to be future-resistant, so hopefully I'll get a few years of use out of it. I see an occasional texture anomaly in Guild Wars, but I don't think it's a hardware issue.


I noticed the EVGA 560Ti cards with the most responses had far fewer of the problems expressed with the 2 cards you linked to. But since all of the complaints were of the same nature, I suspect that Nvidia really put out a bunch of skunky chips or maybe a downright design flaw.


Jun 15, 2010

yes, that is what i'm getting at.

and yes EVGA does have slightly better reviews, but also many users reporting the same fatal errors, often multiple RMA's. I guess this is a question better suited for the nvidia forums. I could not find much info on it thou.

Still undecided. want to get the MSI, but I hear bad things about their customer service. Not to mention the high potential for a DOA or worse, dead 2 months after purchase. K111r I agree ppl are more likely to review if they get a fail card. If u look at any of the 6950's review vs 560 thou it is startling.

gotta sleep now and have nighmares of cooking tofu bacon on my future foot long 6950. :sleep:

any more experienced users?

I've had my cards since April and they have been flawless so far, which is longer than some of the so called 'experts' on this forum said they would last. :pfff:
You could just google or search this forum, it's a pretty rare occurrence. Even looking at the % its hardly much higher than a 6950, especially taking into account what I said earlier and skewing the results as more reviews are made. If it was a major issue you'd hear much more about it. I'm not worried, msi is a good company and it has a 3 year warranty.
This is the one I use: .... best cooler, easily OC's to 1000MHz.


Feedback is oft filled with peeps who don't have the knowledge or blame the manufacturer for their own mistakes. Also complain when they over ride max voltage, fry their card and somehow it's someone else's fault. I have installed 8 so far, no issues at all as yet.

Looking now one example of dude who complains about problems when he took out old card, plugged in new and expects it to work.....next time try uninstalling / reinstalling the drivers dude.


Actually, I'm glad you pointed this 560 problem out. I was considering gettig a 560Ti but just didn't justify the extra $80-$100 price over the 460. I have a EVGA 460SE and a EVGA 260 core 216 and have never had a glitch withe either. I just bought another 460 for my new 2500k rig and I don't own any games that really stress a 460.
The 460 (11.78%) is the 2nd most popular DX11 card behind the 5770 (16.26%) as per Steam's ardware & Software Survey: September 2011. It would seem their price makes them very attractive among a large segment of buyers.

Out of the "latest generation of cards" (ATI 69xx and nVidia 5xx), they have a lotta catching up to do .....here's how they stack up:

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 5.69%
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 3.47%
ATI Radeon HD 6950 3.28%
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 2.85%
ATI Radeon HD 6970 1.52%


Jun 15, 2010
thanks for all the replies. Yeah, interesting about the 460 results. My friend has a 460 gtx also and was playing bf3 beta on "ultra"....but I asked him how many FPS he was getting and he had no idea. I bet its around 30- 35 fps avg at that quality. Im looking for at least 40-45, which the 560 seems capable of.

So I think there was actually a serious driver conflict with these cards at some point. I don't know if they have fixed it, but I agree that the majority of bad experiences were probably just noobs using a cardboard box for a computer case with no ventilation....then complaining when they burnt up the stock OC card.

I'm reading that the MSI 560 uses "sleeve bearing" fans and they fail rather regularly. This makes sense as these types of fans do not perform well with high temperatures. I have also seen at least 3 people comment on their fan's failing almost immediately or just one of them failing several months after purchase. I wonder if this type of fan is standard on video cards and these guys just know 2 much for their own good lol. I love that they say the use "military" grade materials on the card 2. What does that even mean? There is a lot of plastic in the military....also a lot of duct tape and voodoo...is that holding ur card together msi?

All in all im a bit under impressed with the market right now. I want to spend around $200 on a card to hold me over until revised 28nm tech is released. My 9800 gtx runs all games I play on Max, but unfortunately I <3 bf3.



Oct 3, 2011
tellu the truth for 50 dollars more at micro center you ca get a 570 for 299$ but so far i have heard nothing bad about the 560 ti maybe people that overclock it will burn it out or maybe if they dont run it on 12 30 a rail . but i prefer to buy card after they been out a while there kinda like beta 's . or trials when they first come out . like the 590's had alot of problems but now there all fixed and not able to over clock or over voltage . i have a zotac 560 ti for about a month and i will be getting a different card for sure with my income taxes in 2012 the 590 looks promising know that the tweaks are all fixed
A few years ago I had to return a Gigabyte mobo for warranty service. It was annoying to have to do that, but I don't recall any special difficulties; just warranty service.
Hmmm, I didn't notice anyone raging, unless it was in the reviews you read. I haven't been looking at GPUs recently, so I'm not up on any current issues other than driver glitches in BF3 which I think got fixed (per an article at HardOCP).


Jun 15, 2010
I believe the 560 ti has been out for at least 8 months. That should be time enough to work out the kinks.

belly you linked $200 560's when 560 ti's can be had for $205. I dont understand.

The 570 is not appealing to me. The 560 ti can be overclocked to similar stats as the 570 and the 570 has little OC headroom I hear.

Its between an evga 560 ti super clocked DS or gigabyte 560 ti OC. Think I will wait for bf3 final build benchmarks and lets see who has the most fail driver at release. This could change my decision. Anyone have experience with gigabyte customer service?


Oct 3, 2011
srry i have no idea what im doing . i prefere zotac i like micro center couse its only 1 hour away from me so i can drive there . just trying to help i never saw a 560 ti for 2o5$