560ti or 560ti 448 cores?


Oct 6, 2011
hey guys was wondering does any1 no the performance increase between the 2 560ti"s? im stuck between upgrading to the gigabyte 560ti SOC and/or the 560ti 448 cores .....any 1 can help me?
lol just be patient. Ok so the 560 Ti 448 cores would be a better upgrade. If you overclock it, you can get it to perform like a 570. But I wouldn't choose either of those cards right now as an upgrade. The 560 Ti 448 core is limited edition, so if you ever wanted to SLI you'd have a hard time finding another card down the road. But if that doesn't interest you, then that doesn't matter. Also, NVidia is releasing their 600 series cards really soon, so if you don't need a card now, I'd wait to see how those perform. And if you're not an NVidia fanboy, you could look into AMD's 7000 series cards :)
ok heres the story my 460 gave up on me so ya i kinda need a card now and bare in mind here im talking about the SOC 1ghz core speed not the regular 560ti vs 560ti 448
That's because you're comparing a super overclocked 560 Ti to a reference 570. Of course a 560 with 1GHz core clock and 2GHz shader clock is going to compare to a 570 with a only core clock of 732MHz and a shader clock of 1464MHz. Btw, how much is the 560 Ti SOC card? I can't find it anywhere....

There seems to be a TON of stability issues with that SOC card. I'd be aware of that if I were you. Also, if I may ask, why do you need a video card now? Couldn't you just buy a cheap card for like $15 and use that for a little bit, then buy something like a GTX 660 Ti when it comes out?
The GTX 560 Ti 448 overclocks quite well. The GTX 560 Ti SOC is as overclocked as that card will go and leaves very little headroom for additional overclocking.
thanks for the replies guys im from S.A so i cant tell you the price on the 560ti SOC cause i wont no the price in $USD any way yes i am comparing an factory OC card to a ref. 570 but im also looking at the fact that the 570 cost so much more than the 560ti and performs as good as the 570 ...... small question >>> my card gave up and the store is deciding to give me credit so im stuck by what i should take can your"ll help me with that? im looking at spending (at the current USD vs ZAR ) $395 which is R3000 here in S.A basically you can use the price of the 560ti by your'll as a ref. and advice me on a card to get around that price please i haven't had a card now for 2 weeks and kinda missing the online world..... heard that the 6xx is coming out this month but not sure what the performance vs price ratio would be so i could wait for nothing or it can be a great gain for waiting please just put yourself in my shoes for a second and help me out im so confused what to get at the same time i dont wanna buy something im gonna regret so final question is what card should i buy with the price been around the 560ti "s price and is you say go more than that please also say why you feel it is worth going more in price thanks guys i really appreciate the help :hello:
I feel that you'd regret going with the 560 Ti. Kepler, whether the rumors are true or not, is probably going to be better than the current video cards. Even if they don't meet the rumored exceptations, the price on AMD's 7000 series cards should drop, so you could look into those. But if you're that desperate, I suppose you could buy one now. But the thing about that SOC card is that it is very unstable; that GPU wasn't made to run at such a high speed. And overclocked cards are higher priced than regular cards, so I'd factor that into the equation. So basically what I'm getting to is if you can't wait until the 6xx cards comes out, then just go with the GTX 560 Ti 448 cores; It'll save you a bunch of headaches :)
im so confused im thinking of taking the cheapest 560ti i can get here which is the inno3d 1 which comes at 822mhz and try OC made and get as close to the 570 as possible what you think about that plan that way i save tons of cash
The GTX 560 Ti 448 is a different card than the normal GTX 560 Ti. The 448 core version is based on the GTX 570 and is basically a 570 with one shader processor cluster disabled. It is a much stronger card.
